
Exhibit Area 3|Simplifying Life with Easy Read
Parents' Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Taiwan

展區簡介 Exhibition Area Introductions

易讀(Easy read)即是將複雜的資訊、艱澀難懂的文字,轉換為容易閱讀、便於理解的內容呈現出來。






◎電子性資訊 (呈現在電腦或電子產品上的資訊)






Easy Read is transforming complicated information and hard to understand language into versions that can be easily read and understood.

For people with intellectual disabilities, Easy Read is a vital bridge that helps them adapt in this modern era of explosive information. Living in the information age, difficult to read information is everywhere. People with intellectual disabilities want people to be aware that:

Walking out the door in the morning to take the bus, the bus route information is densely written and hard to read.
When they get sick and have to take medicine, they can not make sense of what pills they have to take.
When they get their paychecks and want to buy a Mother’s Day present for their mom, it is so hard to make sense of ATMs and bank services.
They want to find vocational training courses to improve skills, but find that the course materials and the teaching materials are so difficult to understand.
For people with intellectual disabilities, there are so many parts of life that are extremely difficult without Easy Read information. Without Easy Read, they may need others to help them accomplish every task.
Therefore, Easy Read means accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities and it is necessary for them to be able to live independently!

Where can Easy Read be used?
◎Published materials
Including: Promotional fliers, advertisements, manuals, reports, billboards
◎Digital information (information appearing on a computer or other electronic device)
Including: Website information
◎Audio information (information that can be accessed by listening)
Including: CDs, radio
◎Video information (videos that can be watched on television or computers)
Including: Advertisements and short films

Chinese|Audio Guide

English|Audio Guide

易讀推動歷程 Timeline of Easy Read Promotion

  • 2011|智障者家⻑總會出版臺灣第⼀本⼼智障礙者落實⾃⽴⽣活⾏動⼿冊《智能挑戰者⾃⽴⽣活學習指南1─健康與社交》
    2011|The Parents' Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability publishes Taiwan’s first manual for people with disabilities to implement independent living: “Guide for People with Intellectual Challenges Learning to Live Independently 1: Health and Social Interactions”

  • 2014智障者家⻑總會引進歐盟《Information for All》,易讀正式在臺灣推展
    4The Parents’ Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability introduces the European Union’s “Information for All” and officially begins to popularize Easy Read in Taiwan

  • 2017智障者家⻑總會出版《⾝⼼障礙者權利公約(CRPD)繁體中⽂易讀版》
    2017The Parents’ Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability publishes “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Easy Read Version in Traditional Chinese”

  • 2018|中央選舉委員會出版《107年地⽅公職⼈員選舉與全國性公⺠投票》易讀投票指南⼿冊。結合⼼智障礙者、⺠間團體、政府部⾨、設計專業共同攜⼿產出以選舉資訊為主的易讀資訊
    8The Central Election Commission publishes the “2018 Election of Local Public Officials and National Referendum” Easy Read Voting Guide. This Easy Read information about the election was produced collaboratively by people with disabilities, organizations, government agencies, and design professionals

  • 2019國⽴故宮博物院出版《故宮易讀版導覽⼿冊》
    2019|The National Palace Museum publishes the “Palace Museum Easy Read Guide” and the National Theater

  • 2019|國家兩廳院出版《2020年臺灣國際藝術節TIFA節⽬易讀⼿冊》
    2019Concert Hall publishes the “2020 Taiwan International Festival of Arts Programs Easy Read Guide”

  • 2020衛⽣福利部社會及家庭署出版《2017年CRPD結論性意⾒易讀版》
    2020The Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare publishes the “2017 CRPD Concluding Remarks Easy Read Version”

  • 2020|新北市政府出版《新北市⾝⼼障礙福利服務易讀⼿冊》
    New Taipei City Government publishes “An Easy Read Guide to New Taipei City Welfare Services for People with Disabilities”

  • 2020|臺北市政府辦理「 EASY READ! EASY LIFE!易讀易懂成果展」,呈現臺北市各局處推動易讀資訊之成果
    Taipei City Government holds the “EASY READ! EASY LIFE! Achievements Exhibition,” displaying achievements in promoting Easy Read information by the many departments and offices of Taipei City Government

  • 2020|屏東縣政府出版《安安告訴你,如何成為防疫⼩幫⼿》新冠肺炎資訊易讀⼿冊
    2020| Pingtung County Government publishes “Let An-an Teach You How to Be a Pandemic Prevention Helper,” an Easy Read pamphlet with information about COVID-19

  • 2021衛⽣福利部社會及家庭署出版《CRPD第2次國家報告 易讀版》
    2021The Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare publishes the “Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, The Second Report of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Easy Read Version”

  • 2022教育部出版《我要去上學─特殊教育法易讀⼿冊》
    2022The Ministry of Education publishes “I’m Going to School: An Easy Read Pamphlet on Special Education Law”

  • 2022|衛⽣福利部社會及家庭署出版《臺灣易讀參考指南》
    The Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare publishes “A Beginner's Reference Guide to Making Easy Read Information”

Chinese|Audio Guide

English|Audio Guide