Exhibit Area 2|Hatching Dreams
Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled

展區簡介 Exhibition Area Introductions





A painting that won first prize in Phoenix, Arizona (USA) in 2013, planted the seed of artistic creation for the people with disabilities at Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled. It paved the way as they embarked upon a journey of creativity.

The average age of residents is 40 years old. After starting with graffiti-style drawings, they developed interest in drawing and painting. Therefore, in 2014, the Home established a special Art Club, hiring professional instructors to teach residents painting. At the club’s founding, there were only 10 participants, but by 2021, there were over 25.

The participants receiving these services may have an average age of 40, but their mental ages are closer to five or six. Some are non-verbal, yet they are able to express the world inside their minds through their pencils and paintbrushes, and put them on display as artwork for all to enjoy. For participants with cerebral palsy, it takes much more effort and tension than the average person to hold onto a paintbrush, but they still never let any opportunity for artistic creation pass them by.

The establishment and continuation of Yangming’s Art Club has relied on the hard work of participants, as well as funding from businesses silently working to promote these efforts and providing their solid support. Over the eight years since its establishment, the club has held many large-scale art exhibits and in 2020, curated an exhibit at the Huashan 1914 Creative Park. The excellent reception the exhibit received was a great encouragement. We are very grateful for the different organizations that have invited us to exhibit artwork, therefore providing a stage on which participants can realize their dreams. They are always so happy to see their own artwork exhibited in a number of many places and their pure and unadulterated smiles are so moving! The creative journey of “Hatching Dreams” has not yet reached its endpoint.

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創作歷程 Timeline

  • 2013參加美國亞歷桑納州鳳凰城⾝⼼障礙藝術家競賽第⼀名(作品名稱|異中求同、創作者|周帝全)
    2013We participate in the USA Phoenix Arizona Competition for Artists with Disabilities and win first prize (the winning piece entitled “Seeking Common Ground,” by Chou Di-quan)

  • 2014陽明美術社正式成⽴
    4The Yangming Art Club is formally established

  • 2015藝閃藝閃亮晶晶─再⽣藝術⽣活美學展(臺北SOGO復興館)
    5Shining Stars of Art─Regenerative Art Life Aesthetics Exhibit (SOGO Fuxing Department Store, Taipei)

  • 2016|孵夢─我們的話畫時光創作聯展(臺北SOGO復興館)
    Hatching Dreams─ Our Words through Artistic Moments Group Exhibit (SOGO Fuxing Department Store, Taipei)

  • 2017|作品獲選⾹港商愛⾺仕亞太區有限公司臺灣分公司設計限量版絲⼱ 臺灣獨家義賣 (作品名稱|當我們同在⼀起 、尺⼨材質|40F 壓克⼒彩、創作者|周帝全)
    Artwork is selected by the Taiwan subsidiary of Hong Kong Hermès Asia Pacific Limited as the design for a limited run kerchief, sold to raise money for charity in Taiwan (the piece entitled “When We Are Together” Dimensions and Medium|40F Acrylic paint, Artist Chou Di-quan)

  • 2017|作品獲選第⼗四屆KEEP WALKING夢想資助計畫形象主視覺 (作品名稱|陪我⼀起去孵夢、尺⼨材質|50F 壓克⼒彩、創作者|徐詩芸)
    Artwork is selected as the main visual design for the 14th Annual Keep Walking Fund Grant Program (the piece entitled “Hatching Dreams Together,” Dimensions and Medium 50F Acrylic paint, Artist Hsu Shi-yun)

  • 2017受邀展出陽明⼭⾵情主題展(陽明⼭美軍俱樂部)
    7We receive invitation to the Yangmingshan Fengqing Themed Exhibit (Brick Yard 33)

  • 2017受邀常設展出(臺北市聯合醫院陽明院區及家庭暴⼒暨性侵害防治中⼼)
    2017We are invited to set up a permanent exhibit (Taipei City Hospital Yangming Branch and the Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Center)

  • 2017孵夢⼆部曲:OPEN夢幻動物園—野放的⾃畫像創作展(臺北市內湖公⺠會館展覽)
    17The Hatching Dreams Two-Part Symphony: OPEN Dream Zoo—Wild Self-Portraits Creative Exhibit (Taipei City Neihu Public Assembly Hall Exhibit)

  • 2017第14屆國際⾝⼼障礙者藝術巔峰創作聯展(國⽗紀念館)
    7The 14th International Group Exhibit Artistic Summit for Artists with Disabilities (Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall)

  • 2018第15屆國際⾝⼼障礙者藝術巔峰創作聯展(國⽗紀念館)
    8The 15th International Group Exhibit Artistic Summit for Artists with Disabilities (Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall)

  • 2018|受邀展出說⼀個故事畫展(新⽣命⼩組教會)
    2018We receive invitation to take part in the “Tell a Story Art Exhibition” (New Life Church)

  • 2018受邀展出舞蝶再⽣—⾝⼼障礙者藝術創作展
    8We receive invitation to take part in the “Butterfly Rebirth- Art Exhibition for People with Disabilities”

  • 2019陽明寶⾙藝術彩繪夢想⾶越無限可能記者會及畫展(BIGTOM美國冰淇淋⽂化館)
    9Yangming Treasures Painting Dreams Fly to Unlimited Possibilities press conference and art exhibit (BIGTOM Ice Cream)

  • 2019美術社創作受邀展出(中⼭藏藝所)
    9The Art Club is invited to participate in an exhibit (Zhongshan Art Institute)

  • 2019第16屆國際⾝⼼障礙者藝術巔峰創作聯展(國⽗紀念館)
    9The 16th International Group Exhibit Artistic Summit for Artists with Disabilities (Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall)

  • 2020孵夢2020—綠野仙蹤嬉遊記展(華⼭1914⽂化創意產業園區)
    2020Hatching Dreams 2020—The Joyful Journey to Oz Exhibit (Huashan 1914 Creative Park)

  • 2021歡喜畫廊受邀展出(臺北市政府警察局少年警察隊)
    21We are invited to exhibit at the Huanxi Gallery (Juvenile Affairs Division, Taipei City Police Department)

  • 2021受邀展出臺北茶花展—春天印象(臺北市政府花卉試驗中⼼)
    21We are invited to exhibit at the Taipei Camellia Flower Exhibit—Impressions of Spring (Taipei City Government Floriculture Experiment Center)

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