Community Testimonials

"Three weeks ago, I joined about 150 residents for a march organized by the courageous and dynamic youth leaders from the 10For10 organization. These leaders expressed the fear and trauma young people are living with every day. Instead of enjoying the summer months full of first job experiences, being with friends, or preparing for new adventures in school, our young people are mourning lives lost, and fearing for their lives. Their pain was real and their pleas for help were searing."

Mayor Michael Hancock's address to the city. Click here to read more.

"I witnessed my community coming together once again after the recenting shootings. This time, youth Peter Lubembela, a native of Denver's Far Northeast, coordinated an event for alls of black men. Aptly titled, "Black Men Feed Denver" the event had us not only making hundreds of sack lunches to give to the homeless, but the opening up real dialogue among black men about what our role is as ments in our community. State Rep. James Coleman was a sponsor of the event. When his time came to speak, he elevated young Peter, and the youth who organized the event. Coleman setting the example of passing the torch was touching to watch, if only for the fact that whether the news was there to witness it or not, I saw my community unify

Theo Wilson, community activist. Click here to read more"

"It is in understanding the work to be done and a desire birthed out of Peter’s personal notice of the gross need that this initiative was created; his actions aligned with his beliefs and he brought other black men on board. This initiative, unlike anything I’ve ever seen, provides the opportunity to better not only the Howard male population but to enrich the Black community of the greater DC area as well. I challenge readers to reimagine “the black man”. He isn’t what you’ve totally thought and now, more than ever, he is reemerging; in strength, truth, and service."

Jay Shakur, Howard University student. Click here to read more

As youth organizers we depend on community donations and contributions to strengthen our organization and sustain our programming. If you'd like to make a contribution, please click here.