
This summer 10For10 was able to mobilize the community without any resources or pay. However a movement without resources is not sustainable. We have estimated that the cost of our programs will come out to approximately $114,240 in the next year and the estimated yearly costs for other expenses such as utilities, technology, and rent for our office space is approximately $31,000.

This summer 10For10 worked for free and was able to organize and lead the youth movement in Colorado, yet struggled to find money for our basic necessities. As full time students, we can't service off the passion we have for just. The costs of paying full-time and part time employees on the staff comes out to approximately $118,300 over the next year. That is a total of $263,540 needed to cover expenses for a full year of operations.

After this summer the community of Denver will always have a model for the possibilities for youth leadership 10For10. Youth have a powerful voice in the community and a clear vision for the future. What makes 10For10 unique is that we dare to thoroughly plan and advocate for the vision without mixed emotions. Join us in our journey to change ourselves, our homes, our Denver, and our state of Colorado for the better.

As youth organizers we depend on community donations and contributions to strengthen our organization and sustain our programming. If you'd like to make a contribution, please click here.