Music is one of the best things your child can do at HBW! There have some changes over the last few years so please make sure you carefully read all information and reach out to a music teacher with any questions.


Chorus at HBW is by grade. Each chorus meets once or twice per week before the start of the school day. The choruses all participate in our winter and spring concerts, as well as Music in the Parks.


We have three concert bands at HBW; one for 5th graders, one for 6th graders, and one for 7th & 8th graders. There is also a Jazz Band, which is our most advanced group and mostly consists of 7th & 8th graders. Auditions for Jazz Band are held in the fall.


The two aspects of band are Morning Full Band Class, and Weekly Small-Group Lessons. Band classes are twice each week. This is when the whole band plays together and has lots of fun working on our music. Small-group lessons are during the school day once each week. This is when students learn the basics of how to play their instruments and their parts.


The instruments available in 5th grade include: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone and percussion. We do not have piano or guitar since most concert band music does not include those instruments. Other band instruments such as French horn, oboe, bassoon, tenor/baritone sax, and tuba are available beginning in 6th grade.


Students are required to have an instrument for band. Please contact a reputable music store to arrange a rental. Our school works closely with Music and Arts. If you are unable to provide your own instrument please let us know and we will provide assistance.

Please contact us if you are considering purchasing an instrument. Using a low-quality instrument can wind up being more costly in the end and also have a negative impact on your child's experience in band. We will recommend good quality instruments and help you make the best purchase for your child.


Percussion students at HBW learn a concert approach to percussion. This is means they learn the instruments that are used in an orchestra or concert band such as bells, xylophone, snare drum, and other complementary percussion instruments. Since the number of parts for this instrument are limited we do not recommend switching to percussion if your child plays another instrument.

Percussion students will need to have a percussion kit that includes bells or a xylophone and a snare drum or pad to practice at home. Students will use the school's instruments for band so they only need to bring their sticks and music on band days. We recommend upgrading to a xylophone rental since it is much higher quality compared to the bell kit. Please contact a teacher or the rental store if you have questions.


Band students perform in two concerts each year as well as our annual Music in the Parks trip in the spring. Concert dates and info can be found here and info about Music in the Parks is here.


Everyone knows the key to success in music is PRACTICE! Practicing should be fun but also have meaningful goals. It also doesn't have to take up all your time. For young students 10-15 minutes 3-4 times per week is fine provided the practice time is focused and meaningful. Regular practicing at home is essential for your child to get the most out of band and have a positive experience.