Rehearsal Information 

All band and choir rehearsals take place during Period 0 (7:45-8:20)

 Students should be in their seats by 7:40 am since instruments take time to be put together and need to be warmed up.

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Lesson Information 

Band students received one 30-minute small-group lesson each week. This is a vital part of our music program as it gives students individualized instruction on the specific instruments they play. The lesson schedule rotates (like it does in 4th grade) so classwork in other subjects is not affected. When students are not able to attend lessons makeup times are available.


When they have a lesson students communicate with their classroom teachers and then come to the band room for the lesson. They return to class before the period is over so they can catch up with the teacher. The teachers at HBW are incredibly supportive of this program since they understand how beneficial it is for students. Sometimes students need to remain in their scheduled class, in which case they will communicate with a band teacher to schedule a makeup.


Students in band are successful because they learn to handle responsibility and communicate. As a result there is a very high percentage of band students on the honor roll each year. And most importantly, they experience the joys of making music!


Please let a band teacher know if you have any questions about lessons.