Career Connections

An integral part of the Bioscience Academy is student participation in multiple career connections. This includes intensive job shadow periods, where students are placed in various hospital or laboratory settings to see a direct application of their knowledge. There are multiple field trips to colleges and other industry facilities. Guest speakers and instructors are invited to speak to the class about their careers as well as teach advanced skills. Students also practice their networking skills as they have conversations, practice interviews, prepare resumes and curriculum vita to industry professionals. Students are also exposed to and encouraged to participate in numerous STEM internship opportunities as they become available.

"This program changed my life because it gave me exposure and connections to professionals early on that I don’t think I would have received otherwise. Especially coming from a low income family where my parents don’t know anything about medicine, this program gave me so many opportunities just by connecting me with professionals and giving me the chance to shadow. It opened my eyes to a career I never imagined possible for myself."

~ Klio Matthews-Irby, Medical Scribe and Student

Click right on the images to see their exposure to careers and working with industry professionals. If you are a professional working in STEM and would like to volunteer, speak to, teach skills, or be a job shadow host for our Academy students, please contact Mrs. Duffy, our career specialist!