Relationships and Communication

The following table shows the lessons to be taught at each grade level. You can access them by clicking on the the name of the lesson. For many lessons, you may need to log into your free Common Sense Media account. Click on log in through Google using your credentials.

REQUIRED Lessons are marked with a ✔️ Don't forget to document the lessons you teach using the the Lesson Verification Form. 🎶 Indicates an opening song. Use additional lessons to help students become better digital citizens!

Relationships and Communication. We know the power of words and actions.

As the line between online and offline continues to blur, students reflect on how they can use intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to build and strengthen positive online communication and communities. They will explore common digital stressors and their influences on relationships. Students will also gain an understanding of how to communicate effectively online and how and why some topics and conversations can best lend themselves to certain mediums.

Beyond Online Predators

The term "online predator" often conjures up the image of a creepy older man at a computer screen waiting to lure an unsuspecting child. The media reinforces this depiction, which is problematic because it does not fit with the kinds of risky relationships that are more common for kids and teens. In reality, when online sexual solicitation does occur, it's more likely to be between two teens or between a teen and a young adult. Students will need support getting clarity on this misconception and with distinguishing myth from reality when it comes to online sexual solicitation.


Through real-life scenarios and first-person testimonials, students get a chance to practice setting boundaries they're comfortable with. From sexting to grooming to controlling, students learn about the potentially unhealthy behaviors that can result from online relationships.


How do we find a happy balance between our online and offline activities?

1st Grade

How can we be safe, responsible, and respectful online?

2nd Grade

How can we be good digital citizens?

How are we all part of an online community?

3rd Grade

What makes a strong online community?

4th Grade

How can I be positive and have fun while playing online games, and help others do the same?

5th Grade

How do you keep online friendships safe?

6th Grade

How do you chat safely with people you meet online?

7th Grade

How does social media affect our relationships?

8th Grade

What are the risks and potential consequences of sexting?

9th Grade

How can you tell when an online relationship is risky?

10th Grade

How can I make sure my relationships are healthy and positive?

11th Grade

How can we use code-switching to enhance our communication with online audiences?

12th Grade

How can we communicate with civility online?