Digital Citizenship

Helping Kids Thrive as Learners and Citizens in the Digital Age

K - 2 Lessons

The following table shows the lessons to be taught at each grade level. You can access them by clicking on the the name of the lesson. For many lessons, you may need to log into your free Common Sense Media account. Click on log in through Google using your credentials.

REQUIRED Lessons are marked with a ✔️ Don't forget to document the lessons you teach using the the Lesson Verification Form. 🎶 Indicates an opening song. Use additional lessons to help students become better digital citizens!




How do we find a happy balance between our online and offline activities?

How do you say goodbye to technology when you don't want to?

How do you go places safely online?


How can we be safe, responsible, and respectful online?

Why is it important to listen to your feelings when using technology?

How do you stay safe when visiting a website or app?


How can we be good digital citizens?

Why is it important that we have device-free moments in our lives?

What kinds of information should I keep to myself when I use the internet?

What information is OK to have in your digital footprint?

How are we all part of an online community?

What should you do if someone is mean to you online?

How can you give credit for other people's work?