Digital Citizenship

Helping Kids Thrive as Learners and Citizens in the Digital Age

3 - 5 Lessons

The following table shows the lessons to be taught at each grade level. You can access them by clicking on the the name of the lesson. For many lessons, you may need to log into your free Common Sense Media account. Click on log in through Google using your credentials.

REQUIRED Lessons are marked with a ✔️ Don't forget to document the lessons you teach using the the Lesson Verification Form. Use additional lessons to help students become better digital citizens!




How do digital citizens take responsibility for themselves, their communities, and their world?

How can a strong password help protect your privacy?

This Is Me ✔️

How does what I post online affect my identity?

What makes a strong online community?

What should you do when someone uses mean or hurtful language on the internet?

Why do people alter digital photos and videos?


What makes a healthy media choice?

What information about you is OK to share online?

How does our online activity affect the digital footprints of ourselves and others?

How can I be positive and have fun while playing online games, and help others do the same?

How can we be up-standers when we see cyberbullying?

What rights and responsibilities do you have as a creator?

Review Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) English/Spanish ✔️


What does media balance mean for me?

What is clickbait and how can you avoid it?

How do gender stereotypes shape our experiences online?

How do you keep online friendships safe?

What is cyberbullying and what can you do to stop it?

What are the important parts of an online news article?

Review Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) English/Spanish ✔️

Family Tip Sheets (ALL Grades)


Make these digital literacy and citizenship tip sheets available at back-to-school nights, during conferences, or include them in a mailing. You may also want to attach soft copies to an email newsletter or post a few on your school's web portal for families.

Please provide a link to so families can find more resources on the site.