Theatre Auditions

Theatre Audition Information

Theatre Audition Info

Theatre auditions for the Visual and Performing Arts Academy will require applicants to attend a session that will involve a group warm-up, followed by participation in smaller breakout sessions that include: 


Each Applicant will perform a monologue not to exceed one minute in length. Monologues should come from a published play, be age-appropriate, and be fully memorized. Monologues should not be poetry, be taken from movies or TV, be from a Shakespeare play, involve use of costumes, props, or sets, or involve the use of an accent. They should also not be written by the auditioner. 

Ensemble Exercises: 

All applicants will take part in small group theatre exercises that explore the skills necessary for effective ensemble presentation. 

Scene Work: 

Each applicant will perform a short scene with a current Academy Theatre student with time provided for preparation. 

Be prepared to move. 

Applicants’ attire should be appropriate for auditions but should not restrict the full range of movement necessary for warm-ups and theatre exercises: No high heels, tight or short skirts or dresses, oversized or extremely loose clothing, no baggy/saggy pants.


If you have questions or concerns, please contact Sharon Byrd at