Wellness Wednesday

Each Wednesday the counselors post a resource to help support your needs! Check them out below:

Components of Perspective Taking

There are multiple steps involved with strengthening perspective taking skills:

  • 1. Recognize differences: Recognize that others can have different thoughts, feelings, and knowledge than you.

  • 2. Understand influences: Understand that someone’s immediate circumstances, past experiences, beliefs, and culture can influence their perceptions and feelings. There is often a reason behind someone’s actions that we cannot see.

  • 3. Relate to another person’s perspective by thinking about their unique circumstances, experiences, beliefs and culture to see the world through their eyes. Try to find commonalities with your past experiences to relate to their experience and feelings, even if they are different from what you would feel yourself in that exact situation. Ask yourself: “What is life like for that person? What might be influencing how they perceive this situation? How can I relate to their experience to begin to understand how they feel?”

    • Example: Your friend hates cake and is upset that she was given cake for her birthday. Even though you would be happy in her position, you can still relate to her experience by remembering a time when you were given a food you didn’t like.

Read this short article about perspective taking. From empatico.org.

Check out the optical illusions on this site - it's pretty interesting that different people see different things - it's all about perspective!

Sometimes people can argue when they don't understand each other's perspective. It's important to take a step back and see things from someone else's point of view in order to come to an agreement. For example, in this picture, the letter could be a "W" or an "M" depending on where you are standing. Communicating and explaining your point of view can help, as well as listening and understanding someone else's perspective.

Great video on teens talking about stress.

Check out this article about signs of stress and how to better manage your stress.

What is stress? What causes stress? How can I cope with stress in a helpful way? Check out this video to learn more.

Video - History Lesson

Check out this cool video where a teacher makes history come alive for his students.

Former President Obama's Speech on Race

Read the speech and think about the discussion questions at the end of the article.

Privilege Explained in a $100 Race

This powerful video demonstrates what a life of privilege looks like. It's important to remember that not everyone is held back by their own circumstances or not having privilege. Those of us with privilege should use it to help benefit others. To paraphrase former First Lady Michelle Obama, "when we walk through the door of opportunity, we shouldn't slam the door shut behind us. We should reach back and help others have the same chances for success."

5 Tips to Staying Organized for Distance Learning

  1. Organize digital files

  2. Organize internet tabs and windows

  3. Control distractions

  4. Track your time

  5. Clean up your computer desktop

Three simple organizational methods that will support your academics:

  1. Do what works for you. Whether you use alarms, calendars, planners, to-do lists, and everything in between, if your method is producing positive results, then keep it up and continue to improve your strategy.

  2. Focus on the upcoming week. Take some time over the weekend to plan out what your school week is going to look like. This could be done on a calendar, planner, or to-do task, but your brain will appreciate a road map to navigate the week ahead.

  3. Be mindful of your distractions. Many of us can be seen with some sort of electronic device in the evening, when all we want to do is distract ourselves. Dedicate your homework time to be distraction free. Tell mom or dad to keep your phone for a certain period of time, or until an assignment gets done.

Watch this video for ideas on how to stay organized during distance learning!

Check out this video about empathy made by middle schoolers!

Breathe along with the breathing bubble for 1 minute to relax and calm your body and mind. How do you feel?

Great short video on empathy vs. sympathy by Dr. Brene' Brown.

Video 1: Check out this video on Growth Mindset.

Video 2: Check out this video on famous people who had a Growth Mindset and were able to overcome obstacles.

Watch this video to learn more about setting a SMART goal.

Are you struggling with reaching academic or personal goals? Check out this document to get a few tips. Also, you can download the SMART goal template by clicking here. The picture to the left also gives you an example of the SMART goal setup. If you need help, your counselor will be happy to assist you with setting up your academic or personal goals.


Red Ribbon Week Pledge


How much sleep do I need?!? (Hint: it is probably a lot more than you think!)

Check out this link on the risks of vaping.

Wellness Wednesday 10/7