Student Performance Plan

On Monday of each week each student receives $75 Sage Computer Science Cash. Each student is responsible for their cash through the week.

Each student exhibiting good classroom behavior and participation receives an additional $5 per day. On Fridays the students have the opportunity to place their weekly cash into a Savings Account. Students receive a weekly performance grade for the amount of cash they place into their savings account at the end of each week. $100 = 100%.

Students infringing on classroom rules are required to pay for their offenses. Following is a list of infractions and respective payments.

$5 for each offense:

  • Excessive talking out of turn.
  • Distractions to other students or self distraction.
  • Failure to use keyboard covers (cheating).
  • Use of the restrooms or drinking fountain during class time.
  • Lack of class participation.

$10 for each offense:

  • Use of inappropriate language (exclamations involving bodily functions or religious connotations).
  • Unauthorized use of computer games.
  • Unauthorized use of the computers.
  • Teacher disrespect.

Students failing to deposit at least $60 dollars at the end of a week receive a failing performance grade. This grade warrants teacher contact with parents by email, text, or a phone call. Successive failures warrant a teacher / parent conference or an office referral. Students falling into debt in any one week receive an office referral.

This plan introduces students to a system of performance evaluation similar to a workplace environment.