UWF Student Scholars Symposium

The Student Scholar Symposium and Faculty Research Showcase features scholarly and creative works produced through collaboration between UWF students and faculty. Every year we love to celebrate the successes and hard work of the Argo community through the Student Scholar Symposium and Faculty Research Showcase.

Recipients of OUR Project Awards during the 2023-2024 academic year are required to submit an abstract and present their research at the UWF Student Scholars Symposium on April 18, 2024. Abstracts are typically due in mid-February. A student can elect to present their research in a variety of formats, including poster presentation, oral presentations, research panel discussion, etc. Awardees can find guidelines and information regarding this presentation on OUR’s website.  OUR is happy to work with students to find a presentation format that works for you! If you have questions, please just ask.  

Please note that this site will be updated to include more details and information as we get closer to the UWF Symposium. 

Creating Your Presentation

A poster or oral presentation is a summary of your research or creative project. Presentations should be visually engaging and academically sound. Your poster or slides may include charts, tables, figures, footnotes, references and other supporting information. This will help you determine what and how much content to include. Keep in mind, most conferences require specific dimensions for your poster to be printed or specific amount of time that you will be allotted for an oral presentation- you should make sure to check with the conference website to learn more. to properly display your poster. 

These poster templates will give you a sense of how to format a research poster.  You should make sure that the dimensions of your poster align with the allowed dimensions for your conference before you start adding your content. For example, many conferences allow posters that are 48 inches wide X 36 inches high.  Using Google Slides to create your poster will allow you to easily collaborate with co-authors and your mentor.
