Submitting Your Final Project Report

Once you have complete your research project and before the end of the current academic year (i.e., the end of the spring semester), you will need to submit your Final Project Report to OUR.

You can access the Final Project Report by logging onto myUWF and search for "OUR Program Applications" to access the application system. Once inside the application system, click on "My Applications" and click on the "OUR Project Award" (make sure you click on the cycle you applied for). You should see the Final Project Report as a new section on your application dashboard (if you don't see it, please make sure that you have "accepted" your award within this application portal.

During the survey, you will be asked to submit a photo of you or your group conducting/engaging in your research, share a copy of your poster or presentation slides from the UWF Student Scholars Symposium, and answer some questions about the impact of the research experience.