United Nations Human Rights Council

Topic: Strategies to prohibit Conversion Therapy and/or Conversion Practices to uphold the UDHR.

About the committee

Following moves to ban Conversion Practices in the countries of Germany, Brazil, Ecuador and Malta, indirect and state-level bans in the US, Australia, Spain, Argentina and Fiji, among others, we recognise the necessity of investigating the role of the UN and participating states in upholding articles five and seven of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) seeks to continue the discussions being seen around the world surrounding conversion practices, identify possible solutions to best support members of the LGBTQ+ community around the world, and implement them as soon as possible in order to cease the inhumane treatment they suffer, and do so in an effective and sustainable way in order to preserve the life and liberty of each member of the Rainbow community globally. The UNHRC recognises that this is an urgent and global matter, and that it is up to us to represent the entire global community and ensure equality for all.

Meet your chairs

Haylee Law


Email: haylee.law@uwccostarica.org

Kenza Filali


Email: kenza.filali@uwccostarica.org