Poster Project

Student’s Name and Degree:

Chelsey Cunningham - BA in Media Communication studies

1) What are the central questions, themes, and/or observations that you want to foreground in your poster/exhibit? What are the sub-questions, themes, and/or observations? In other words, what do you want the viewers of your poster/exhibit to think and talk about with you?

    • I want the viewers of my poster exhibit to talk to me about my educational and career path as a whole. To me, everything I have done serves a purpose for a greater plan and all ties in together. I want people to ask me about my experiences and I can share the process it took me to grow, leave my comfort zone, and formulate a plan from scratch. I have carried through with my plan very diligently so I want to share the in’s and out’s of this process. Where I started, where I’m at now, and where I am going is my focal talking point.

2) What context(s) will you need to provide for a viewer of your poster/exhibit to understand you and to stimulate conversation and discussion? Remember, the poster/exhibit should be designed for both the casual viewer who wants to walk away having learned something and the careful viewer who wants to ask you informed questions. It should also be designed so that a viewer can understand it even if you are talking with someone else.

    • I will need to provide the context of why I chose what I chose for my career path, and the things I went through to get me started on that path. I will also talk about my educational and internship experiences in further depth. People tend to have their own detailed questions so I will provide the basic information and answer whatever questions they may have for me. I am extremely passionate about my career goal so I feel that this will be an organic discussion for me to have.

3) How will you make your poster/exhibit attractive and engaging? Think creatively about how you might use visual aids: pictures, figures, maps, conceptual metaphors, etc., but do not overwhelm the viewer with excessive information. The point is to construct a poster/exhibit that enhances conversation about what you have done and learned, not one that presents as much information as possible.

    • I will include photos, descriptions, and sections on my poster to distinctly organize each focus point on my poster. I will include some inspirational quotes that helped me throughout these difficult times and uncomfortable changes I went through. My goal is to keep everything organized so that a viewer who knows nothing will get the basic information and then I can fill in any blanks for them and share the rest of my story.


