Collaboration and Shared Leadership Capacities


Chelsey Cunningham

BIS 499 E


Collaboration and shared leadership capacities

The assignment "Ader Group Summary" for Arts in Context: Contemporary Art Theory, BISCLA 380 challenged my collaboration and shared leadership capacities by producing a single document between four people. We were all asked to read the same material and to peel back the layers of the text in a cohesive manner. Although I don't typically care for dense readings and/or group work, I was able to move past these preferences and challenge my way of thinking. For example I read dense and intimidating texts, spent time dissecting something as little as a sentence and talked about it with class mates to decipher the meaning of something so short, but so packed with ideas. This assignment shares some of the sentences we pulled and shows each of our opinions about the section. This assignment allowed us to see how each other interprets things, whether it be positive or negative. I loved this group assignment because it helped to give me necessary skills that would benefit the rest of my education at UWB. The learning objective was to learn how to read philosophy in a critical and at the same time relaxing way. This was supposed to take the intimidation out of reading dense texts. The group process was first reading the text on our own and highlighting parts that we found interesting or had questions about. Then, we would meet up collectively and have an open conversation about the parts we each found interesting. Next, we compiled all of our notes into one document to elaborate on our findings.

The other assignment that required collaboration and shared leadership capacities was my final reflection paper for Story as Art, Interactivity, and Community Engagement BIS 322. This paper reflected on a quarter-long collaborative project that required more group work than any other class I have taken in college. The project itself was the process of collecting student stories on campus about various different topics through audio recording, transcribing and even art. We collaboratively collected the stories and then worked together towards putting on a show that displayed these stories through interpretive dance, short plays and even music. Some of us even read the monologues out loud as if they were our own personal stories. I enjoyed this reflection paper because I had a struggle or two with this class for the majority of the quarter. I was extremely confused most of the time but trusted the teacher’s guidance and kept pushing forward. I learned a lot about community engagement and storytelling. Stories are powerful and easier to obtain than one would think. It is a matter of reaching out to people, putting together a prompt, interviewing effectively and creating an environment where people feel comfortable opening up about things. The learning objective is to learn how to effectively gather stories, organize them and how to share them with others with various mediums of performing arts. I.e. Internet, song, dance, acting, print, etc. again, can you discuss the specific ways your group worked together and your own roles in the group process?


(I already mentioned this in detail. We collectively shared all tasks and took turns so there isn't really much more to say than what I already did. I copy and pasted the part where I brushed on this below.)

"The project itself was the process of collecting student stories on campus about various different topics through audio recording, transcribing and even art. We collaboratively collected the stories and then worked together towards putting on a show that displayed these stories through interpretive dance, short plays and even music. Some of us even read the monologues out loud as if they were our own personal stories."

Chelsey Cunningham

BIS 499 E


Collaboration and shared leadership capacities

The assignment "Ader Group Summary" for Arts in Context: Contemporary Art Theory, BISCLA 380 challenged my collaboration and shared leadership capacities by producing a single document between four people. We were all asked to read the same material and to peel back the layers of the text in a cohesive manner. Although I don't typically care for dense readings and/or group work, I was able to move past these preferences and challenge my way of thinking. For example I read dense and intimidating texts, spent time dissecting something as little as a sentence and talked about it with class mates to decipher the meaning of something so short, but so packed with ideas. This assignment shares some of the sentences we pulled and shows each of our opinions about the section. This assignment allowed us to see how each other interprets things similarly and differently (awk, rephrase). I loved this group assignment because it helped to give me necessary skills that would benefit the rest of my education at UWB. The learning objective was to learn how to read philosophy in a critical and at the same time relaxing way. This was supposed to take the intimidation out of reading dense texts. can you discuss the group process and your own role in it a bit more? provide examples?

The other assignment that required collaboration and shared leadership capacities was my final reflection paper for Story as Art, Interactivity, and Community Engagement BIS 322. This paper reflected on a quarter-long collaborative project that required more group work than any other class I have taken in college. The project itself was the process of collecting student stories on campus about various different topics through audio recording, transcribing and even art. We collaboratively collected the stories and then worked together towards putting on a show that displayed these stories through interpretive dance, short plays and even music. Some of even read the monologues out loud as if they were our own personal stories. I enjoyed this reflection paper because I had a struggle or two with this class for the majority of the quarter. I was extremely confused most of the time but trusted the teacher’s guidance and kept pushing forward. I learned a lot about community engagement and storytelling. what were some of the things you learned? The learning objective is to learn how to effectively gather stories, organize them and how to share them with others with various mediums of performing arts. I.e. Internet, song, dance, acting, print, etc. again, can you discuss the specific ways your group worked togetherand your own roles in the group process?


Ader group summary.docx
Final paper.docx
