Interdisciplinary Research and Inquiry


Chelsey Cunningham

BIS 499 E


Mini portfolio- Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry

The “Paris research paper- based off of (use "based on") Disneyland Paris success rate.” Was completed for the “Paris: The City and it's History” BIS 417 class. This was a thirteen-page research paper that I put together. There was a definite component of Interdisciplinary research and inquiry throughout this assignment. I was asked to develop a research question pertaining to the Paris culture. I posed the question “Disneyland Paris: How successful is it?” I found out a whole lot about a Disneyland Park that I had no idea even existed in the first place, such as the huge financial struggle the park faced, the tourist attraction it became, the Parisian culture dealing with an Americanized concept and the long process of working through these problems. My knowledge about the Parisian culture helped me better understand my findings throughout the research process because I was taught about the strict culture differences between Americans and Parisians. I.e. smiling has a positive connotation in America and in the streets of Paris one is looked at as a fool for smiling from ear to ear. I chose this research paper because it took a decent amount of time, consideration and hard work. I found myself very intrigued by this topic and came across many scholarly sources. To be more specific, I found an article by Time magazine through EBSCO host by Peter Gumbel titled "The Not So Magic Kingdom" and this one was my most helpful throughout the paper. The learning objectives for this research paper were to pick a topic of interest in Paris and learn more about a specific facet in relation to the course lectures.important to note: Time Magazine is not actually considered a scholarly source--it is part of the popular press--could discuss this distinction. did you consult some scholarly sources for this essay--did you use knowledge gained from the course itself? could discuss the interdisciplinary aspects of the research more specifically here.

Another artifact that contributed to my Interdisciplinary and Research skills was my midterm paper "Two Moon July" for my "Art in Context: Contemporary Art Theory" class. This was my first attempt writing about a conceptual group of artworks in a philosophical manner. I studied “Two Moon July” a conceptual series of short films, directed by Tom Bowes. I reframed the work from my own perspective. I based my theories off of ("on") class readings by Adorno, a famous philosopher, and gave my best shot to practice the art of philosophical writing. I didn't take any direct concepts from Adorno, I only took the time to create an essay that was free-flowing and expressed my own ideas about the art "Two Moon July" which is a similar style of writing. could explain this a bit more--it's not clear how you used the Adorno text. This was my chance to conceptualize the art of someone else from a critical artist perspective. The Learning objective for this was Interdisciplinary and research inquiry because I had to take the time to watch all of the "Two Moon July" films, all ten of them, and literally inquire about how I felt about them artistically. The series "Two Moon July" was known for a multidisciplinary approach to performance art by including video, film, dance, music all into a theatrical framework.

Chelsey Cunningham

BIS 499 E


Mini portfolio- Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry

The “Paris research paper- based off of Disneyland Paris success rate.” Was completed for the “Paris: The City and it's History” BIS 417 class. This was a thirteen-page research paper that I put together. There was a definite component of Interdisciplinary research and inquiry throughout this assignment. I was asked to develop a research question pertaining to the Paris culture. I posed the question “Disneyland Paris: How successful is it?” I found out a whole lot about a Disneyland Park that I had no idea even existed in the first place, such as the ginormous (this is slang) financial struggle the park faced, the tourist attraction it became, the Parisian culture dealing with an Americanized concept and the long process of working through these problems. My knowledge about the Parisian culture helped me better understand my findings throughout the research process because I was taught about the strict culture differences between Americans and Parisians. I.e. smiling has a positive connotation in America and in the streets of Paris one is looked at as a fool for smiling from ear to ear. I chose this research paper because it took a decent amount of time, consideration and hard work. I found myself very intrigued by this topic and came across many scholarly sources. To be more specific, I found an article by Time magazine through EBSCO host by Peter Gumbel titled "The Not So Magic Kingdom". any other sources? more scholarly research? The learning objectives for this research paper was to pick a topic of interest in Paris and learn more about a specific facet in relation to the course lectures.


Disneyland Paris research paper-MP.docx
midterm paper-Two Moon July-MP.docx


Deborah Caplow

Apr 28, 2015

Hello Chelsea,

Good work on the revision--the addition of the second artifact fills out the essay well.

Need to clarify some in both paragraphs.

Deborah Caplow

Apr 16, 2015

Hello Chelsey,

Incomplete mini-portfolio here--you need to analyze between 2 and 4 artifacts in an essay between 300 and 400 words (this is less than 300)

need to revise by Monday...

also need to attach artifacts to the bottom of the page.