Julie Masura

Classroom Policies

I presently do not have classroom policies concerning AI.  Since participating in this group, I see the potential for incorporating a policy for my syllabus.  At this time I will not adopt a policy, because I am not sure what the consequences will be from me.  I will continue to explore this and utilize the CoP website as a reference/starting point.


Learning Outcomes

Tools/Resources Used


Approximate Time to Complete

Step-by-step Instructions

Reflections on Creating the Assignment

The assignment was designed after one shared by a colleague during our last session with the community of practice.  When the idea was shared, I felt this might be a great tool for students to use to create better introductions and conclusions to the scaffolded data-driven writing assignment.  In preparing the assignment, I found learning how to sign-up and use the program resulted in a shallow learning curve.  I am curious to review the reflections created by the students after using this tool.

Post-Implementation/Testing Reflection

What about your project worked well? What would you revise for future iterations?

Because this learning community experience was conducted in Autumn, my online course was already deployed and some of my students had already completed the majority of the assignments (4 of 40 of them).  It would have been inappropriate to change the assignments this quarter.  I will be using the assignment during winter/spring in one of my upper-division geoscience courses.

When you tested this policy or assignment, how did you feel working through the steps?

To be discussed after employing these.