Elevate AI I - Situating AI with Class Policies

On November 30, 2023, Marisa Petrich and Chris Lott facilitated a session on situating AI in the classroom through policies and other student guidance.

While policies and guidance alone are insufficient, regardless of one's general approach toward integrating (or not!) AI, they are important and necessary.

The session was not recorded, but the materials and resources below are rich and useful on their own!


Primary Points

What About AI Detection?

It doesn’t work and is unlikely to anytime soon.

What We Talk About When We Talk About AI

Artificial, Not Intelligent

Considerations for crafting policies and discussions

Policy is not an endpoint, but a foundation for discussion and integration.


Policy should be: 


Are you prepared? Have you:


Policy Examples and Resources

Keeping all of the above in mind, you will be prepared to make the best and most efficient use of examples and resources for crafting your own AI-related policy, guidance, and discussions.

Other Resources

A few resources that go beyond classroom policy. 

Note: we will use some of these in our followup ELEVATE session, focused on situating and integrating AI into your teaching and learning practices, and featuring AI Community of Practice participants’ incredible work!