Emma Rose

Classroom Policies

A note about learning to write

Given that I've been a teacher of writing for a long time, I wanted to share some thoughts given we are in a new space with technologies that aid in writing. I believe that writing IS thinking. Figuring out how to put your ideas into words is a skill that takes a lifetime. We are all always learning how to write and communicate what we think. The promise of new IA tools is that they might be seen as a shortcut to writing, to make things faster. But here is the deal. There is no shortcut to developing this skill. I encourage you to use the time in this class to improve your ability to write. I will give you kind and generous feedback. It is through the process of writing that you can improve. 

That said....

We will be looking at AI and its role in writing as part of the class. This will include experimenting with AI tools in the second half of class. Please do not use AI tools until we have an opportunity to discuss this in class. 


The following 5 assignments are for a module on AI & Writing from TWRT 391: Advanced Technical Communication.

4a. Explore an AI Tool


We will explore different AI tools to get a better understanding on how they work.

The learning objectives of this assignment are to:



To be marked complete, you need to answer at least three questions in a way that shows you have meaningfully engaged with the tool and thought about the answer. The text in the response to the question must be generated by you, not AI.  

4b You vs. AI


In this assignment, you are going to return to the first major assignment this quarter and do it again with AI. It will give you a sense of the strengths and the limitations of using AI to generate content. 

The learning objectives of this assignment are to:



To be marked complete you need to fulfill the assignment as described above. 

4c. Peer review: You vs. AI


An important part of writing and designing is getting feedback on our work. In this assignment, you will peer review someone else's assignment and provide feedback. 

The learning objectives of this assignment are to:

How do I find my assigned peer reviews?

When you submit the assignment and after the due date has passed, you will be automatically assigned two people to peer review. There are multiple ways to find who you have been assigned to. Find out where your assigned peer reviews appear

If you turned in your assignment late, you will need to reach out to me to get assigned peer reviews. 




To be marked complete you need to fulfill the assignment as described above. Your assignment will be complete if you turn in two, well-crafted, peer reviews by the due date.  You need to turn them into me here on this assignment, but also submit them to your assigned student under the draft assignment.

4d. Analyzing AI classroom policies


We have read about AI and Writing in the classroom. Now it's time to think about what it might look like to develop a policy for helping teachers and students think about AI in the classroom. 

The learning objectives of this assignment are to:




To be marked complete you need to fulfill the assignment as described above. We will use these assignments in class for an exercise next week. 

4e. Generate ideas for AI policy


We have read about AI and Writing in the classroom and reviewed other policies. We will start to generate our own ideas for a policy for AI. 

The learning objectives of this assignment are to:




To be marked complete you need to fulfill the assignment as described above. We will use these assignments in class for an exercise next week.