Lesson two

Ask simple questions to find out about a topic during a face to face, phone conversation or videoconference about work-related topics.

Find out about your...

Topics suggested. 

General information about a telephone conversation or message

Practice the following example. 

A: Hello! (name) speaking. 

B: Thanks, can I talk to  ( the person you are looking for)

A: Sorry! He/she is not available. Can I take a message?

B: Yes, please. Tell hin/her.......(message)



Choose a topic. Talk about it and at the end, ask 3 questions about your topic to clarify. You can not repeat topics previouly selected. 

Reading and listening practice

During work-related discussions in person, over the phone, or via videoconference, asking straightforward questions is an effective way to gather information about a topic. When you're talking with colleagues or supervisors about your job, it's crucial to understand the details and requirements clearly. By asking simple questions, you can obtain valuable insights and ensure that everyone is on the same page. For example, if you have a project meeting scheduled, you might ask questions like, "What are the project goals?" or "What is the timeline for completion?" These questions help clarify expectations and responsibilities. Similarly, when speaking with clients or customers, asking direct questions can assist in identifying their needs and providing better service. Whether you're in the same room, on the phone, or using videoconferencing tools, the art of asking clear, concise questions can lead to more productive and successful work-related conversations.

Certainly, here are five "wh" questions based on the previous reading:


Asking over the phone and other devices.mp3

Wh review