Lesson six

Describe the departments where professionals work.

There is a/an...

There are 2,3,4...

There is a Finance and Accounting department in my company. There are 6 workmates: The Finance Manager, the Accounts Manager....


A: Is there a/an.....in your company?

B: Yes, there is. 

A: what is it like?

B: The ....Department is _______


Basic adjetives to descrive people: alive, amazing, beautiful, bright, colorful, different, fresh, hot, incredible, interesting, modern, impressinve, spacious, big, well-organized. 

Departments of a company: administrative, sales, marketing, purchasing, dispatch, delivery, logistics, finance, human resources, production, research and development, exports and imports, IT department, maintenance, customer service.

Functions of the departments

 Customer service: Responsible for taking care of customer needs

 Sales: Responsible for selling the product/service

 Production: Responsible for making the product

 Marketing: Responsible for how a product/service is advertised and promoted

 Human Resources: Responsible for hiring new staff

 IT Department: Responsible for the company's computers and network

 Maintenance: Responsible for the office/building and any repairs.

 Research and development: Responsible for discovering new knowledge about the product, improving it and creating new products

 Logistics: Responsible for the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations.

 Finance: Responsible for payments, bills and expenses

 Delivery: Responsible for the delivery of orders

 Administrative: Responsible for keeping a connection with different departments.

Purchasing: Responsible for buying supplies for the company.

Dispatch: Responsible for assigning employees (workers) or vehicles to customers.

Exports and imports: Responsible for the exports and imports of goods processes.


Extra information for week seven. 

Starting a conversation

Check this video to learn how to start a conversation in a good way and not to drop it to an end. 

300 palabras más importantes en inglés. 

Use this video to learn basic vocabulary