Lesson one

What we need to learn

Ask for repetition and clarification during a conversation at work.

Before watching the video. Let´s practice the phrase on the picture.

Before we start, let´s introduce ourselves

Watch the video to refresh personal information. 

Follow this example: 

Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Andrea. My last name is Mora.  I am 20 years old. I live in Alajuela. My phone number is 88103892.  My address is Ciruelas, Calle Sanches, Residential Malaga, house 132. My e-mail is andrea.mora13@gmail.com. I work at Bridgestone. I work for the Accounting department. The company is located in Heredia. My major is Accounting and Finance at UTN.  Thank you.  

Watch the video 

Take notes of the list of possibilities to ask for repetition in your notebook. 

When you need someone to repeat something during a conversation at work, it's important to do so politely and professionally. Here are some phrases you can use:


do you Remember these job tasks?

Professional responsibilities

Tasks at work:  check emails, respond to emails, meet with clients, attend meetings, make reports, make/check financial statements, check invoices, check tax declarations, supervise exportation and importation processes, support clients, support other departments, supervise employees, recruit and select new employees, coach employees, create job profiles, post job ads, make/take phone calls, make payments, provide information, receive/check/send packages, solve problems with clients, etc.

Can you clarify that?

Seeking clarification during a work conversation is essential to ensure everyone is on the same page and to avoid misunderstandings. Here are some phrases you can use to ask for clarification professionally:

Excercise: report to your classmates what are your resposabilities at work. In specific times, your classmates have to interrupt what  you are saying and ask for clarification. 

Example: A: I check emails in my job. 

B: Excuse me. You check emails in your job. Can you clarify that.

A: Yes, I have to check my students emails to help them. 



Cel video

Imagine you need me to clarify or repeat some aspects from today class. Go ahead and ask! Produce 5 complete ideas. Start with: Teacher, you said...


Reading comprehension

Repeating and making things clear when sending a message is very important. It helps people understand better and avoids confusion. Repeating the main points helps people remember them. When we use simple and clear words, it's easier for others to get the message without any confusion. So, when we talk or write, it's crucial to repeat important things and explain them clearly. This way, we make sure that our communication is effective and that people don't get things wrong. In everyday life and at work, this is really important. So, never forget the significance of repeating and clarifying when you want to get your message across. 

Listening practice based on reading

Audio for listening comprehension

repeating and clarifying.mp3