Lesson ten

Make, accept or decline invitations.

Identify the information in a work schedule and short, simple messages on postcards, emails and social networks on work-related topics. 

Today we are going to learn how to make, accept and decline invitations in English.

As the title indicates, you need to know three important things:

Making Invitations

Do you want to…?

Would you like to?


Let’s … ?

Why don’t we …?

How about …?

Accepting Invitations in English

Declining Invitations in English

Exchanges: Make, Accept and Decline Invitations

Dialogue: Make, Accept and Decline Invitations

Lynn: Say, Miguel, what are you doing tonight? Do you want to go bowling?

Miguel: I’d love to,but I can’t. I’m going to a soccer match with my brother.

Lynn: Oh,well,maybe some other time.

Miguel: Are you doing anything tomorrow? We could go then.

Lynn:  Tomorrow sounds fine.I’m going to work until five.

Miguel: So let’s go around six.

Lynn: OK.Afterward, maybe we can get some dinner.

Miguel: Sounds great.

Invite your teacher

you invite and explain the activity

Write a dialogue 

Write a dialogue in your portfolio usins A and B like the example above.