Lesson Plan

Part 1: Due Week 2 by end of class...............10 points

Part 2: Due Week 3 by start of class...............10 points

Part 3: Due Week 5 by start of class...............10 points

Part 4: Due Week 5 by end of class...............10 points

Reflection: Due one week after Week 5...............5 points

Overview and Rationale

Inclusive math tasks are activities that every student can do and work on at their own level of engagement, but these tasks have lots of possibilities for the participants to do challenging mathematics and to make cross-disciplinary connections. These tasks are important because all classes are diverse in terms of students’ mathematical thinking and prior knowledge/understandings. Inclusive math tasks allow students to work at different paces, to approach the task in different ways, to draw on and connect to a range of knowledge bases, and to take the mathematics to different depths at different times. Inclusive math tasks often involve a visual or concrete component and foster rich mathematics discussion. You and your partners will work to develop an inclusive math task to use with students at a STEAM-Literacy event at a local pre-school.


(LP1) Form groups & develop initial ideas – You will form a group with your classmates, and work together during class in Week 2 to brainstorm initial ideas for an inclusive math task that relates to the 3 little pigs story and one of the STEAM disciplines. You and your partners will find and select a task with potential for STEAM connections and solve it, or find and select resources to help you develop your ideas. You will begin to identify key mathematical ideas the task uncovers.

(LP2) Plan for enacting your task – You and your partners will make plans for enacting your task at the event. You will complete a draft of the lesson plan before class in Week 3.

(LP3) Reflect on the task enactment – Individually, you will reflect on how students engaged with your tasks during the event. Due by the start of class in Week 5.

(LP4) Suggest revisions to your plan – Based on your enactment of the task, you and your partners will suggest revisions to your plan and provide a rationale for the revisions. You will have the option of sharing your task with other educators. You will have time to work on this during class on Week 5.

LP Reflection on Collaboration – You will have a chance to reflect on how well you and your group members worked together. This reflection on the groups' collaboration will be due one week after Week 5. (Your score will be an average of your self assessment and the assessments by your group members.)

Learning Standard 1: Demonstrate knowledge of mathematics concepts and practices.

Learning Standard 2: Demonstrate pedagogical knowledge and practices for planning and implementing student-centered, problem-based mathematics lessons.

Learning Standard 3: Demonstrate awareness of social contexts of mathematics teaching and learning.

©Frances K. Harper, 2019