Civilian Student Community Service Award (CSCSA)


Award Eligibility

All civilian graduate students enrolled at USU, who have completed 200 or more hours of community service, are eligible for the Civilian Student Community Service Award (CSCSA).

Civilian Graduate Student Community Service Award Process 10_2022.pdf

How to Apply

  1. Students must complete the Civilian Student Community Service Award (CSCSA) Application.

  2. Students must compile documentation supporting the completion of 200 hours or more of service. A Verification Form is required to be signed by each community organization. Students are also encouraged (not required) to submit a log of their hours.

  3. Students must submit the application and documentation to the CSCSA Recommender, Laura Baumann, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development and Support ( .The CSCSA Recommender will confirm that all requirements for eligibility have been met and route to the Dean of the School of Medicine for approval and certification.

  4. Once approved, a certificate of completion will be provided to the student.

Civilian Student Community Service Award Application

Civilian Graduate Student Community Service Award Application Form 12_2022.pdf

Tracking and Certifying Hours

Personal Documentation Log:

You can personally record your hours using a spreadsheet such as the one to the right. Feel free to copy and use it as a template.

Last Name, First Name_Volunteer Hours Log

Volunteer Coordinator Log:

If helpful, the USU Volunteer Coordinators can also create a Volunteer Drive in your name that will provide a Submission Form, Record Sheet, and Documentation Folder, to ease the tracking of information.

To have us create your Volunteer Drive, please email us at!

Verification Form *REQUIRED*

At the conclusion of the service (or to apply for the award), a signed Verification Form must be obtained from each organization to certify hours.

Civilian Graduate Student Community Service Award Verifcation Form 12_2022.pdf