Teaching Emergency Aid


Advances made by military medicine during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq revolutionized hemorrhage control and informed a nationwide strategy for improved pre-hospital trauma care. Medical and graduate nursing students at the Uniformed Services University are proud to continue to share hemorrhage control best practices across our community through direct training and instructor certification.


To share skills and knowledge that empower people to take life saving action.

Curriculum Powerpoint

Curricula We Teach

ITCH (Introduction to Controlling Hemorrhage)

Created by USU students during COVID when we weren't able to teach other nationally driven curriculums. Takes ~20 minutes to learn how to be an instructor

Stop the Bleed 

A collaboration between the DOD, ACS, NREMT and others developed as a result of the Hartford Consensus and Sandy Hook School Shootings to improve pre-hospital trauma care in the US. Takes ~1hr to become certified as an instructor

Upcoming TEA Events (require prior training)

USU Student Point of Contact: 

TEA Outreach Email Box ✉