USU Volunteering

learning to care for those in harm's way through service in our community 

Volunteer Coordinators

The Volunteer Coordinators manage the USU monthly volunteering digest, a listserve for volunteer activities, and website. Our goal is to promote and facilitate volunteering at USU across the School of Medicine, Graduate Education Office, and Graduate School of Nursing. We want it to be as easy, meaningful, and fun for you to give back to the community as possible. We are your resource if you want help getting yourself or your student organization involved - either through starting new, or maintaining ongoing, community partnerships!

Katie Lee

2LT Katie Lee is a 6th year Army MD/PhD student. She grew up in Frederick, Maryland and went to UMD for undergrad. She obtained her PhD in Emerging and Infectious Diseases at USU but loves volunteering in her free time, especially if it involves cooking and baking!

Avori Bastemeyer

ENS Avori Bastemeyer is an MS3 who grew up in many different places as the daughter of a Navy pilot, but calls South Dakota her home. Her favorite ways to volunteer involve being outside or engaging with kids! Her hobbies include working out, reading, shopping, and spending time with family and friends.  

Heather MacEwen

ENS Heather MacEwen is an MS2 from Wilmington, Delaware. She Is an active volunteer with Bethesda Cares and Teaching Emergency Aid (TEA) at USU. Outside of class and volunteering, Heather enjoys skiing, hiking, and traveling on free weekends!

Mallory Harkins

2LT Mallory Harkins is an MS1 from Austin, Texas. She loves to volunteer with her church, Fields 4 Valor, and Hero Dogs. When she is not studying, Mallory likes to bake, Facetime her dogs, go backpacking, and play sports.