Using Drones in Environmental Restoration

(WATS 6900 / CEWA 5700)

About the Course

Registration for Professionals

Registration open!

CEWA 5700

3 Continuing Education Units (CEU)

Course fee is $590 + ~ $90 for CEU credits

Registration for USU Students

WATS 6900 (CRN 43174), 2 units

Open to upper-division and graduate students

Register for Fall 2022, although course takes place May 9 -12, 2022

Course applies credit toward:

Date, Time, & Location

Utah State University, Logan, UT

May 9 - 12, 2022

Course Description

Drones (UAV / UAS) have revolutionized data collection for environmental restoration. Master data collection, processing, and analysis using drones in this 4-day shortcourse. Students will learn how to collect and analyze data for multiple restoration applications, including wildlife, forest, rangeland, and river systems. Data analysis focuses on the visible, thermal, and multi-spectral sensors commonly mounted on drones and includes photogrammetry, change detection, and classification modeling.

This course does not prepare students to take the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 commercial drone pilot license. Nor does this course teach the mechanics of flying drones. For courses on those topics, see the UAS emphasis in the Aviation BS degree or the UAS minor

Drone flying experience (as a commercial drone pilot or as a hobbyist) and remote sensing experience are helpful, but not required.

Given downward-trending COVID-19 infection rates and increasing vaccination availability, we anticipate holding this short course face-to-face. We will follow all recommended COVID-19 protocols, which may include some combination of masks, physical distancing for indoor instruction and in computer labs, outdoor instruction when possible, and open windows and reduced capacity in vehicles for field trips. If COVID-19 precautions necessitate canceling this course, we will fully refund course registration fees.

Primary Learning Outcomes

Participants will master data collection, processing and analysis using drones:

  1. Mission planning for environmental restoration applications (rivers, forests, wildlife, rangelands…)

  2. Drone and sensor demos

  3. Data Collection

  4. Mosaicking visible, thermal, and multi-spectral imagery

  5. Developing digital surface models

  6. Approximating 3-D terrain using Structure-from-Motion Analyzing data for restoration monitoring and decision-making

  7. Analyzing data for restoration monitoring and decision-making

Included with the Course

  • Drone imagery / datasets

  • Photogrammetry software available during course (PIX4D)

  • Drone demo field trips

  • Bring drone imagery and/or drones, if desired

Course Material

All course materials will be posted on CANVAS at the beginning of the course.


Dr. Sarah Null

Associate Professor

Office: NR 354, Utah State University

Phone: 435-797-1338


Dr. Curtis Gray

Forest Ecologist

Office: BNR 360, Utah State University



Drone in Flight
