Dr. Sarah Null

Aquatic Habitat, Climate, and Water Analysis (ACWA) Lab


I am always looking for outstanding graduate and undergraduate students to join my lab! Prospective students with an interest in quantitative aspects of environmental water management, watershed sciences modeling, and/or climate change adaptations for water management are encouraged to contact me to discuss graduate research opportunities. Funding is often available for students with good quantitative analysis and computer skills (programming and modeling) and funding opportunities are posted below when available. Prospective students should send inquiries via email and include a 1 page statement of research interests, CV, GPA, and reference contact information. Graduate students may receive degrees through the Department of Watershed Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Ecology Center, and Climate Adaptation Science.

If you are not responding to an advertised position, I may be willing to work with you to secure funding if you have identified a research project that coincides with my research interests and/or prospective funding sources. Promising funding sources include: Watershed Sciences justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) fellowships, EPA STAR Fellowships for graduate study, NSF Graduate Fellowship Research Program, or Quinney College of Natural Resources Doctoral Fellowships.

Undergraduate students are also encouraged to contact me about research and technician openings in my lab. Opportunities for undergraduate research in my lab include USU undergraduate research and creative opportunities (URCO) grants, honors theses, work study, and funding opportunities such as undergraduate research fellowships through the Quinney College of Natural Resources.

--> New post-doctoral scholar opportunity in Dr. Trisha Atwood's Aquatic Ecology and Global Change Lab (and collaborating with me) to develop uncertainty and sensitivity analyses on the impact of trawling on global carbon.