Sergio Roberto Silveira
Licentiate in Physical Education from the School of Physical Education and Sport at USP; Master's Degree in Education from School of Education at USP; Doctorate in School Physical Education and Post-Doctorate in Physical Education at School of Physical Education and Sport at USP; Post-Doctorate in Curriculum and Programs at the Art Institute at São Paulo State University. Previously member of the Physical Education curriculum team at the São Paulo State Department of Education and a Senior Researcher with a scholarship from Brasília University at the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC). Currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Body Movement Pedagogy at the School of Physical Education and Sport at the University of São Paulo. Experience in School Physical Education, working on projects and research on the following topics: School Physical Education, Teaching and Learning Process; Organization and Development of Curricula and School Programs, Teacher Training / Professional Preparation, and Human Rights and Inclusive Education.
Research highlights
CORREIA, W. R. & SILVEIRA, S. R. (Orgs.) . Educação física: conhecimento e especificidade [Physical Education: knowledge and specificity]. Várzea Paulista: Fontoura, 2019.
TANI, G.; BASTOS, F.; SILVEIRA, S. R.; BASSO, L.; CORRÊA, U. C. Professional learning in physical education in Brazil: issues and challenges of a complex system. Sport, Education and Society, 26, 1, 2020.