Location Information: Peace Garden

  • Look for the good around you; try to notice things you take for granted

  • Take a deep breathe in and take a moment to use ALL your senses to: look, smell, hear, touch and taste what you can appreciate.

  • What do you appreciate in this space?

  • You may notice the peace poll - let's take a moment to appreciate this global symbol of unity, peace and diversity.

  • Each Peace Pole bears the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in different languages on each of its sides.

  • There are estimated over 250,000 Peace Poles in every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace.

Walk Briskly to the Next Stop: Gratitude Rock Garden

NOTE: 2 more stops to go...

  • We are hoping this will be the site of our future USF Gratitude Rock Garden

  • A Gratitude Rock Garden is a collection of rocks where people write or draw things they appreciate

  • Are you familiar with Gratitude Rock Garden rules of "Take a Rock, Leave a Rock"?

    • This means you can take a rock when you need one and leave one for someone else.

    • This allows the garden to be dynamic and so there is always something new to see and experience every time you visit.

  • Here is a picture of the rocks that USF students, faculty, staff and community members have made so far for our Gratitude Rock Garden!

  • Take a moment to see other's "good news"

  • Can you find words or images you also appreciate?

"Gratitude plays a major role in well-being and happiness... when you are thankful, you tune in more to the goodness around you." -Hal Urban, pg. 7

Walk Briskly to the Next Stop: Welch Field/Gleeson Plaza

Images: [Peace Garden] [Photograph]. University of San Francisco. https://myusf.usfca.edu/university-ministry/newsletters; Gallacher, W. [Gratitude rocks]. The Register-Mail. https://www.galesburg.com/news/20170727/paint-it-forward--sending-positive-vibes-on-painted-rock; Yadav, V. (2021). [Golden Gate Bridge] [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/QhYTCG3CTeI; Photoholgic. (2018). [Painted Ladies at Alamo Square] [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/fn6x1TL290w