
Objective: Using CircuitLab, create a processing unit for a coronavirus early warning home monitoring device for vulnerable populations. The device will provide measured warnings for the potential of infection at regular time intervals. The risk factors are dry cough, increase in temperature and lower than normal levels of oxygen.

Key: 0 = false; 1 = true

  • If no risk factors exist - Green LED

  • If one risk factor is present- Yellow LED

  • If risk two risk factors are present - Red LED transmit symptoms to healthcare provider

  • If risk all three risk factors are present – Sound alarm, contact emergency service

This is our truth table that uses all of our inputs to arrive at a specific output.

  • "T" : High Temperatire

  • "C" : Dry Cough

  • "L" : Low Oxygen Levels

From the truth table, we arrived to these boolean equations.

"G" is for the green LED, "Y" is for the Yellow LED, "R" is for the Red LED, and "A" is for the alarm. From here, we designed the Logic Unit part of our circuit.

This is our full circuit schematic. Raphael was the main designer. It is very large, so if you can't see the details through this screenshot, click here .

Project Overview that was provided as a guideline to our circuit.

Here is our alarm for our circuit. This was built based of the schematic given by Dr. Gray.

Here is our timer for our circuit. This timer was built from an example from Circuit Lab.