Weather Policy


The weather can significantly affect a sporting event and determine if a game or event is cancelled due to safety concerns. If a game or event is cancelled, the affected players will be contacted immediately, allowing them to make other arrangements. 

Below is an overview of School Sport SA Weekly Sport Inclement Weather Guidelines. These guidelines can be applied to Knockout Sports and Day Carnivals however, the staff will endeavour to make a decision before the day of the event. 

Weekly Sport


Outdoor Sports

If the estimated temperature as of 8.00am on the BOM app is 36 degrees or over, then all outdoor competitions for that day will be cancelled.

Indoor Sports 

If the estimated temperature as of 8.00am on the BOM app is 36 degrees or over, then it is the responsibility of the sports coordinators from the two competing schools to make an agreed, informed decision. The host school should take into serious consideration the temperature and air flow inside their stadium.

Modifications to matches in conditions of high heat (but less than 36 degrees)

It may still be necessary to modify rules and game conditions to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all participants, particularly for sports conducted outdoors. These modifications could include; reduced playing time, increase break times ect


Outdoor sports should continue when rain is present, except in the following circumstances:

• The rain is heavy enough to pose an increased risk of injury

• The playing surface becomes unsafe

• The presence of hail

• The presence of lightning

In the above scenarios, the teachers/coaches present will need to make an agreed decision as to either continue, momentarily pause, or abandon the match.