
Sporting fees cover bus hire, umpires, entry fees and first aid. They are calculated based on the number of participants entry fees and the transport options available. They can also be affected if there are multiple sports on that day needing the buses, and the average cost of umpires for that particular sport. For example, senior boys' football regards two umpires with some training and experience who are usually external from the school and bigger buses. But and small badminton team can be easily transported, and a coach, bystander, or other student can umpire due to the simple rules and demands of the game. 

The fee amount will be indicated on the cover letter (information form) as well as the consent form and must be paid on submission of the consent form or prior to submission. Please complete and return the consent form to Student Admin and make payment no later than the date indicated on the cover letter.  You may refer to our website for payment options using the reference code on the cover letter, direct bank transfer, or by contacting the Finance Office at 8274 7455 or email DL.0798.finance@schools.sa.edu.au. Please be aware that the Urrbrae sports program does not have to capacity to offer invoices. 

No pay, no play is the general rule of thumb. We work hard to keep the cost of sports as low as possible while simultaneously offering as many opportunities as possible. If there is an issue with payment or a payment plan is required, please email the sports coordinator, Dayna Fishers. 

Previous Fee Trends 

The table below indicates how much a specific sport has cost in the past. Please keep in mind that fees are highly likely to change for the reasons suggested above, this is simply a rough guide.