Drum Camp

6th Grade Camp Counselor

Click HERE to Sign Up

Sunset Primary

Aloha Family Dance: Feb. 21st

Sign Up HERE

Evergreen Book Fair

Book Fair: Feb. 21st & 28th

Click HERE to Sign Up

curran orchard

Email: curranappleorchard@gmail.com

F.U.N Food Bank

Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturdays


20 Hours – Grade 12 (Class of 202550hrs total to graduate)

15 Hours – Grade 11 (Class of 2026 – 50hrs total to graduate)

10 Hours - Grade 10 (Class of 2027 - 50hrs total to graduate)

5 Hours – Grade 9 (Class of 2028 – 50hrs to graduate)

Students attending Curtis High School are required to complete volunteer service with an approved non-profit (501c3) organization, as part of their CHS graduation requirement, each school year. It is important for students to give back and learn the value of helping those in need. 

Volunteer service also helps students in the following ways:

The following are examples of APPROVED volunteer service activities:

The following are examples of NOT APPROVED volunteer service activities:

All volunteer/community service hours must be entered in Xello no later than April 30th each school year. 


Pierce County Library

The Teen Council meets at the University Place Location: Second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 4:30 PM, starting Thursday, Sept. 28

Open to youth ages 13-19 and volunteer service hours are available for participation.

This fall we are also offering a virtual teen meetings, open to all teens ages 13-18 in Pierce County. Virtual Teen Council will meet on Zoom every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., starting Wednesday, Oct. 4. 

Teen Volunteer League: Gain skills and experience, make friends and give back to your community!

Meet with other teens to work on engaging community projects, all while building your resume, earning volunteer service hours, receiving training and learning job skills.

For more information go to: Pierce County Library

If you have questions, email: teenvolunteers@piercecountylibrary.org

United way of pierce county

Virtual volunteer opportunities with United Way of Pierce County found by clicking HERE


A collective of young people changing the world. You can join a youth-led movement for good.

Learn more by clicking HERE

VolunteerMatch is the largest network in the nonprofit world, with the most volunteers, nonprofits and opportunities to make a difference. 

Year Round

boys & girls club of south puget sound

Our volunteers are a vital component to making a variety of programs available to our Club members. The time that our volunteers donate to our Clubs is precious; with every volunteer comes the chance for our kids to gain a different perspective.  

The volunteers at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health are instrumental in helping us to fulfill our mission of providing quality, compassionate health care. Each year, our team of volunteers gives more than 100,000 hours of loyal service in 100 different areas—from nursing units and gift shops, to improvement efforts and special events. 

curran apple orchard

Help take care of the Curran Apple Orchard Park... and earn community service hours!

F.U.N.- Families Unlimited Network

Located in our very on city of University Place

Ages 7 to 15 must have adult supervision. 

Always looking for volunteers to help out with the Food Bank on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8:00 - 11:00am, and from 11:00 - 1:00pm, and Saturdays 8:30 to noon.  Also looking for volunteers to help with food pickups from local grocery stores Monday - Saturday from 7:00am - 12:00pm. Give them a call at 253-460-3134 if you would like to help!

Volunteer Form and more info can be found HERE 

Habitat for humanity- tacoma/pierce county

Minimum age requirement of 16.

New Volunteer Orientation is the first step.

Visit the website HERE for more info

humane society

Tacoma & Pierce County- Visit HERE for more info

job carr cabin museum

just serve.org


Click HERE for more info

Multicare volunteer services

Click HERE for more info and to sign up

Nourish Food Bank

Nourish Pierce County is the largest network of food banks in the county, that depends on many volunteers.

For more info and to Register visit nourishpc.org/volunteer/

pierce conservation habitat stewardship

Learn how YOU can create and restore wildlife habitat in Pierce County at our habitat steward training. No prior experience necessary, just the desire to get outdoors.  

Pierce Conservation District Habitat Stewardship has sites all across Pierce County, but the closest site for Curtis Vikings is Whittier Park in Fircrest! 

Whittier park sits next to the Leach Creek headwaters, which flows into Chambers Creek and then into Puget Sound.  

Learn more and apply: https://piercecd.org/528/Habitat-Stewardship

Calendar of events:


St. Vincent de Paul (Tacoma-Pierce County)

St. Vincent de Paul provides financial, material, and spiritual assistance and support programs.

Visit svdptacoma.org for more information

tacoma-Pierce county health department

Volunteer in public health

Connect with your community as a volunteer! Help us protect and improve the health of all people and places in Pierce County. Want to know more?

the oaks at lakewood

The Oaks at Lakewood

Call Meaghan Kalisch for more info


United Way of pierce county

No matter what experience or time you have to give, putting your skills to use will make a significant  impact in your community, and you’ll feel great from the experience. 

Talk to a Volunteer Engagement Representative at volunteer@uwpc.org 

For  more info visit the website HERE

YMCA of Pierce & Kitsap Counties

Join a community of individuals who want to give back and support their neighbors. Every hour you contribute provides children and adults the support they need to be healthy, confident, connected, and secure. 

Click HERE for more info.