CAS Project vs Experiences

CAS Project

CAS Experiences

...taking it further

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

CAS Project Proposal Forms & Pocedures

The 5 Steps for a succesful CAS Project 

After you and your group have decided and reflected on what you would like to do as a CAS Project, you will have to follow the below procedure:

You will have to submit a request to a teacher or external provider to be your CAS Project Supervisor and submit a brief CAS Project Proposal Form, outlining the 5 CAS Stages, so that the supervisor knows what your group is planning to do. It is preferable to submit the proposal as a Google Doc so that comments and suggestions can be made. If your chosen Supervisor agrees to be the group’s supervisor, then you need to complete a CAS Project Supervisor Consent Form and the group returns the forms to your CAS Advisors or CAS Coordinator. Each student needs to submit a copy of the same forms.


The group’s portfolio will be set up on Managebac with the help of the CAS Supervisor. A link will be sent to you (need to double check what happens here from the MB end) to join the group as their ‘Supervisor’. All your work with your CAS Project group is managed through this portfolio and based on the exploration of the 5 CAS Stages developed in the students’ CAS project proposal.

For your CAS Project, you have to choose at least one and no more than three of The 7 Learning Outcomes. learning outcomes to focus on. It will be important for you to refer back to these learning outcomes so you can think about what you need to reflect on to demonstrate your learning in these areas. You are also asked to link your Project to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

In the group's portfolio of evidence, which is on Managebac, you need to demonstrate, through reflection and evidence, how you have addressed the 5 CAS Stages. All your planning documents, minutes, notes, photos and evidence of collaboration should be in this portfolio, as well as individual reflections. It is suggested to have a minimum of three reflections - beginning, middle and end - for their Project. Most groups tend to do more as there is more to write about.

Part of the The CAS Projec is about you hopefully achieving what you set out to do, and part about the process of getting there. If the Project goes off on a tangent and the outcome is different than the intention, then it is importat that you understand the cause and can demonstrate why this has happened, for good or for worse.

At the end of the CAS Project you need to submit a final review by answerigng the CAS Questions on Managebac. Your  Supervisor will then be asked to complete a Supervisor Review for each student, commenting on your effort, commitment and progress. This request comes as an email from Managebac with a link to the Supervisor Review section of the group.

CAS @Uplands Project Proposal FORM