Welcome to CAS!

An overview and resource guide

Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) is at the heart of the IB Diploma Programme. It is the IB Learner Profile in action.

The emphasis in CAS is on learning through reflecting on experiences. CAS aims to develop the whole person. It complements academic accomplishments with practical and real-life experiences that are a medium for personal and social development. 

While CAS is both inspired and informed by components of your Diploma Programme, CAS must not replicate other official IB Diploma requirements. Successful completion of CAS is a core requirement of the IB Diploma.

The purpose of this core element is for you to be involved in experiences that will make a significant difference to your life and the lives of others, as well as challenge you to extend existing skills or learn new ones.

CAS aims to build self-esteem, self-confidence, autonomy, and self-reliance through experiential and service learning, therefore it is equally implemented in the Uplands High School Diploma. 

Everything you need to know about CAS @Uplands can be found here.


Contact [cas@uplands.org] to get more information on anything CAS