CAS Advisor & CAS Supervisor Responsibilities

Cohort 2024

CAS Advisors @Uplands

Cohort 2025

CAS Advisors @Uplands

The role of the CAS Advisor

Working with individual students on their CAS programmes takes time and requires personal knowledge of the student. At Uplands the team of CAS advisors is made of of the year 12 and 13 tutors, who guide work as the pastoral guides for their respective tutor class cohorts. It is essential for the CAS adviser to be aware of the importance of CAS in the Diploma Programme and to be familiar with all elements of CAS. In this case, CAS advisors, instead of the CAS coordinator, provide the vital ongoing contact for a student. It is vital for CAS advisors to have sufficient contact time with students. The CAS advisors are supported by the DPC team.

CAS advisors should:

The role of the CAS Supervisor

CAS supervisors can be any teachers, non-teaching members of the school or wider community, or volunteers with the skills and/or knowledge of the CAS experience undertaken by the student. External members of the school community can equally be your CAS supervisor, except for family members. 

The CAS supervisor assists, offers guidance, and oversees the student’s CAS experiences when needed. On rare occasions, a supervisor may not be necessary if a student is able to undertake a CAS experience without assistance or supervision. 

Students should take responsibility for their own CAS experiences where possible and be provided with opportunities to report on their own attendance and participation. Depending on the nature of the experience, the school should decide whether a supervisor is required to guide and assist the student, to ensure safety, and to provide feedback on student involvement to the school. 

CAS supervisors should: