Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information for Informational Services

For all questions please email:

  • Please include your full name and your students name, grade and school.

  • The Ask Upland email will be shared with multiple administrators at Upland Unified School District so that we can quickly assist you.

  • Please do not share detailed personal information or data.

  • We can get more details when you are contacted by the appropriate administrator.

InformaciĂłn de contacto para servicios informativos

Para todas las preguntas por favor envĂ­e un correo electrĂłnico.

  • El correo electrĂłnico de Ask Upland se compartirá con varios administradores del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Upland para que podamos ayudarlo rápidamente.

  • No comparta informaciĂłn o datos personales detallados.

  • Podemos obtener más detalles cuando el administrador apropiado se comunique con usted.

Q. How do I enroll a new student?

Our enrollment process is now online. Please click here to enroll.

Q: My student cannot log on to their Google Account.

Try adding to their log-in credentials

If that does not work, please have the student contact their teacher

Q. My student cannot remember their password to the Google Account.

Please have the student contact one of their classroom teachers. Teachers will contact Technology Leads to reset password.

Q. My student cannot access:

Clever- Use their school assigned email address.

Google Classroom-Use their school assigned email address.

StudySync-Use their school assigned email address.

Q. What if I'm having connectivity issues or my student needs a device?

Please contact your site administrator if you have a need for internet access or a device.

Q. How do I get ahold of my student's teacher?

Please use the link at the top of this page entitled School Hubs. You will be able to find contact information for your student's teacher there.

Q. Is my student required to attend their sessions during their assigned block?

Yes. Student are required to attend school every session, every day, during their assigned block.

Q. Who do I contact if my student is absent?

Please contact your school site and report the absence as you would during a traditional school year.

Q. What if the power/internet service goes out and I am unable to attend the class or complete an assignment?

Email or call your teacher or school and inform them of the situation as soon as possible. Your teacher will work with you to make arrangement for making up any work or providing an alternate assignment.

Q. How can parents/guardians monitor student progress on their distance learning assignments?

Parents should check Aeries parent portal on a regular basis to monitor student progress and grades

Q: Who can I contact if I have social emotional concerns for my student?

Please reach out to your school site and ask for support. You may also also contact Care Solace or our Mental Health Resource Guide

Q: What can I do to support Social Emotional Learning during COVID-19 school closures?

CASEL has compiled a set of resources for educators, families, and students themselves that support social emotional learning during times of social isolation. CASEL recommends a number of actions that adults and adolescents can take in order to promote positive social emotional development (

Q. How much time should I expect my student to be online each day?

This varies by grade level. Please check with your student's teacher.

Q. Will my student have the same teacher if I request a change of learning model?

While we will make every attempt to keep your student with the same teacher if you request a change in learning model, there is a possibility that the change in model will necessitate a change in teacher.

Q. Will credit recovery programs continue during the school closure?

Yes, high school counselors will be contacting students to discuss the process for resuming student access to various credit recovery programs.

Q. Will I be able to change my student's learning model?

Yes. Please request a Change of Learning Model form from your school site.

Q. Will the performing arts (Choir, band, theater and dance) be able to practice?

When we are given permission from the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, we will be able to have the performing arts practice.

Q. What does distance learning mean for my student's progress toward graduation, transcript and college prospects?

We are offering a rigorous distance learning program that meets A-G and NCAA eligibility requirements. We are committed to supporting students' successful completion of the school year. If you have questions about your progress toward graduation or college eligibility, please reach out to your academic counselor.

Q. Will the SAT still be offered on campus?

We are planning to host SAT testing on the Upland High School campus for students enrolled in the district. These dates can be found on the CollegeBoard website.

Q. How do I request a transcript?

Here is a link to request a transcript through Parchment Upland High Parchment page