Upland Unified


Student Learning Model Choices


UUSD would like you to select your student's learning model for the 2022-23 school year. We will offer two learning models for students in grades 7-12: Traditional in-person or Independent Study. We will offer three models for students in grades TK-6: Traditional in-person, Independent Study, or our new Virtual Option. Please log in to your Aeries Parent Portal to select your Learning Model choice no later than February 3rd, 2022. Please select one learning option for each of your students, by completing a separate data confirmation for each student.

Traditional In-Person

Instruction is delivered in-person on the school campus (following all necessary health and safety precautions).

Independent Study

Independent Study will primarily be led by families with an option to receive virtual learning supports in the form of on-demand tutoring and regular check-ins with a certificated teacher.

Virtual School (TK-6)

Upland Virtual School is only offered for grades TK-6. This will be a combination of live or synchronous class time with a credentialed teacher and asynchronous or independent work. The student will work from home remotely. Each day will be a full structured school day, similar to those attending the traditional model.

Devices and hotspots will be available for each student participating in the independent study or virtual school options.

Accordingly, UUSD strives to provide equity and access to quality instruction through all program choices. Accommodations for students with disabilities, students with diverse learning needs, Foster Youth, Homeless students, students who are medically vulnerable, and English Learners will be made.

Please select the links below for the most current information on the 2022-23 learning models.

Wednesday Webinar Video on the Virtual School and Learning Model Choices from 1/19/22

SlideShow from the 1/19/22 Wednesday Webinar

If you have any questions, we are beginning a Frequently Asked Question Page. Please post your questions here.