
Gure ikasleak Palermora joango dira apirilaren 7tik 13 arte. Palermoko Liceo Scientifico Statale Ernesto Basileko ikasleekin elkartrukean parte hartuko dute.   


Our Sicilian projects partners are finally coming to Donosti! 


Here is our agenda during the preparatory visit!


Palermoko ikasleak eta gure ikasleak hasi dira lanean. Lehenengo egunean, agurra jaso ondoren, Peñaflorida egoitzatik buelta bat eman zuten eta ice-breaking ekintzak egin zituzten, hobeto ezagutzeko. Ondoren bertako produktuekin hamaiketako bat egin zuten eta lanean jarri ziren honen ondoren. Hasierako ekintzan konparatu behar zuten egindako galdetegiaren emaitzak Donostian eta Palermo eta horiekin egin behar zuten aurkezpen bat. Laneko giro polita sortu da.

Students from Palermo and our students had already started working. In the first day, after the welcome of some dancers, they had a tour around Peñaflorida building and then, they did some ice-breaking activities. After that, they had a snack with local products to begin later with the first activity that consisted of a comparison of the results of the questionary that was completed here and there about our clothing comsumption paterns, later they had the prepare a presentation with their conclusions. It was a great work atmosphere.

Arratsaldean ikasle guztiek euren irakasleekin hiritik buelta bat eman zuten puntu esanguratsuenak ezagutu ahal izateko. Soritxarrez donostiar eguraldi tipikoa izan zuten.

In the afternon all students and their teachers went to have a tour in the city. Unfortunatelly they counted with an authentic Donosti weather.

Second day: some results and presentations

Bigarren eguna: emaitza eta aurkezpen batzuk

Eguna hasi zen ikasleek aurreko egunean hasitako ekintzak bukatuz, hau da, konparatzea galdetegian aurkitutako emaitzak bilatzeko desberdintasunak eta antzekotasunak arroparen kontsumoan. Euren konklusioak aurkeztu aurretik gure zuzendariaren harrera izan zuten.

 Students started the day ending the activity they had already started the previous day, this is, comparing the results of the inquiry to determ the differences and similies in clothes consumption. Before they present their conclusions to their mates our director welcomed them.

Horrekin bukatu ondoren, euren konklusioak aurkeztu zituzten.

Arratsaldean bideo bat ikusi zuten eta fitxa batzuk osatu behar izan zuten horren inguruan.

After that, they presented their conclusions. 

In the afternoon they visualised a video and they have to complete some worksheets about it.


Third day:  Some visits 

Hirugarren eguna: Hainbat bisita

Programarekin jarraituz, gure ikasleak eta gure bisitariak bisita batzuk egin dituzte. Hasteko, Ekomodo bisitatu zuten, ezagutzeko enpresa honek egiten duen lana material birziklatuekin. Gero, paseotxo eder bat egin ondoren, Tabakalerara joan ziren eta bertan bisita gidatua egin zuten eta denek bazkaldu zuten elkarrekin.

Continuing with our programme, our students and our visitors did some visits. To begin with, they went to Ekonodo, to know about how this company makes things out of recycled materials. Then, after a nice walk, they went to Tabakalera where they had a guided tour and they had lunch all together.

Fourth day: Getaria

Laugarren eguna: Getaria

Egun hau dedekatu zuten herri zoragarri hau ezagutzera eta, noski, Balenciaga Museoa bisitatzera. Hemen, bisita gidatua egin ondoren, tailer batean parte hartu zuten non motxila bat egin zuten kamiseta zahar batekin. Ikasleek dastatu zuten bisita, ekintza guztietan parte hartu zuten eta, arratsaldean, Zarautzen geratu ziren hondartzara joateko.

This day was devoted to know a wonderful village in our coast and, of course, visiting Balenciaga Museum. Here, in addition to the guided tour,  they did a workshop in which they made a bagpack out of a t-shirt. Students enjoyed the visit, took part in all the activities and, in the afternoon, they stood in Zarauz in order to go to the beach.

Fifth day: Last activities

Bostgarren eguna: azken ekintzak

 Goiza oso askar pasatu zen gauza pilo bat egiteko zegoelako: proiektuko konklusioak, partehartzearen dokumentuen banaketa eta udalako bisita prestatu.

Eguerdian eskolatik atera ginen eta udaletxera abiatu ginen  non hiriaren alkatea, Eneko Goia, gure zain zegoen. Harrera egin zuen bai gure bisitariak eta baita gure ikasleei ere eta gero bi mutil italiarrek aurkeztu zuten zer ikasi zuten hiriari buruz.

Ondoren, partehartzaile guztiak elkartu ziren elkarrekin bazkaltzeko eta hau izan zen eguneko azken ekintza.

Larunbatean, goizean goiz, Palermorako bidea hartu zuten. Laster arte Palermon!

The morning passed very fast due to the number of things we have to do: conclusions of the project, deliver participation documents and prepare the visit to the town hall.

 At midday, we left school to arrive to the town hall where the major of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, was waiting for us. He welcome our visitors and also our students and then, two Italian boys presented what they have learned about our city.

 After that, all the participants met to have lunch together and that was the last actividy of the day. 

 On Saturday, early in the morning, they left to go to Palermo. See you there!




erasmus+ questions.mp4

Gure ikasleak Palermon

Our students in Palermo

Lehenengo eguna

First day

Gure ikasleak goizean goiz abiatu ziren Palermora joateko; hasi ziren Bilbora joaten, handik Bartzelonara eta horrela, arratsaldeko lehenengo orduetan Palermora iritsi ziren. Bertan zeuden euren lagun italiarrak haien zail. Oso momentu politak bizi izan ginen.

Our students started they trip in the early morning to go to Palermo; first, they went to Bilbao, from here to Barcelona and finally, at first our in the afternoon they arrived to their destination in Palermo where their Italian friend were waiting for them. It was a really moving moment.

Bigarren eguna


Second day

Goizean eskolara joan ziren eta bertan hainbat ekintzak egin dituzte proiektuarekin erlazionatuak. Italiarren proiektua gehiago zentratzen da birziklajean eta horren inguruko ikerketak eta aurkezpenak egin zituzten. Ondo gosaltzeko denbora izan dute ere. Ondoren, denbora libre izan dute euren lagunekin buelta bat emateko eta hiria ezagutzeko.

In the morning our students went to the school where they started with some activities related to the project that, in the case of the Italians, is more linked to recycling. They did some surveys and presentations about this subject. They also had time to have a nice breakfast. Then, they had free time to go for a walk with their friends and get to know the city.

Hirugarren eguna

Third day

Goizean ALAB artisauen erakunde bat bisitatu zuten non tailer batzuk egin zituzten moda sustangarriaren inguruan.

Hori bukatu ondoren hiria ezagutzeko egun intentso bat izan zuten: merkatua, enparantza eta monumentu desberdinak bisitatus eta, arratsakdean, hiriaren kostaldea esploratu zuten. 

The morning started with the visit to ALAB an artisan organization where they also had some workshops on sustainable fashion.

After that they had an intensive day to know the city: visit the market, different squares and monuments and, in the afternoon, they explored the seaside of the city.

Laugarren eguna

Fourth day

Eguna hasteko bisita polit bat egin zuten: Monrealeko herria. Beratara joateko autobus berezi bat erabili zuten eta gero aukera izan zuten arte normandarreko aztarna paregabeak ikusteko: katedrala eta honen klaustroa. Bisita egiten zuten bitartean ikasle italiarrek hainbat informazioak eman zizkieten.

Ondoren artisauen lana ikusteko aukera izan zuten eta tailer batean azaldu zieten nola egiten duten bertako zeramika.

Egunean zehar ikasleek hartu zituzten argazkiak gero egin behar duten amaierako proiektuetan erabiltzeko.


The day started with the visit of the town of Monreale.  To get there they used a quite special bus and they had the chance of visitin the fantastic remains of Normand art, mainly the cathedral and its cloister. While they were doing the visit Italian students explained the most important characteristics of the buildings. 

Then, they had the chance of seeing the work of artisans of the region and in one of the shop they received explanations about the work in ceramics.

Along the day students took pictures in order to use them in the final projects.


Bostgarren eguna

Fifth day

Ikasleak lan egiteko eguna izan dute. Hasteko, egun hauetan ikasitakoaren inguruan aurkezpenak eta bideoak egiten egon dira, gero, hamaiketakoa egin ondoren, amankomunean jarri dute ikasitakoa. Bukatzeko, parte hartzearen zertifikatuak banatu dira.

Students had a working day. To begin with, they have worked together in the elaboration of presentations and videos and then, after breakfast, they have shared with the whole group the results they have prepared. To finish with, participation certifies have been delivered.

Seigarren eguna

Sixth day

Gure ikasleen azken eguna Palermoko patrimonioa ezagutzeko momentua izan da: San Juan de los Eremitas, Katedrala, Normandar Jauregia eta Kapera Palatinoa. Gero denbora libre izan zuten azken gauzak elkarrekin egiteko.

Our students devoted their last day to know the World Heritage of Palermo: they visited Saint John of the Heremits, the Cathedral, the Normand Palace and the Palatine Chapel. Then, they had free time to organise the last things with their friends.

Zazpigarren eguna

Seventh day

Palermoko mobilitatea bukatuta dago. Gure ikasleek pasatu zuten goiza euren lagunekin gero aeroportura eraman zituzteta euren hegazkina hartzeko. Benetan plazerra izan dela pertsona hauekin lan egitea.

The mobility in Palermo is over. Our students spent the morning with their friends who took them to the airport at midday to take their plane. It was a great pleasure to work with these people.