
Gure ikasleak Nantesera joango dira ekainaren 2tik 8 arte. Nanteseko Lycée Gabriel Guist'hauko ikasleekin elkartrukean parte hartuko dute.

Nantes-ko ikasleak Donostian

Students from Nantes in San Sebastian

Lehen eguna

First day

Nantes-ko ikasleak igandean iritsi ziren eta gurekin egongo dira larunbatera arte. Amarako tren geltokira iritsi ziren eta bertan zeuden gure familiak harrera egiteko.

Students from Nantes arrived on Sunday and they will be with us until next Saturday. They arrived to Amara tren station where our families were waiting to welcome them.

Bigarren eguna

Second day

Erasmus-eko mobilitate honetan parte hartzen ari diren ikasle eta irakasleak hasi ziren egin beharreko ekintzekin. Goizean agurra izan zuten eta ondoren elkarren artean ezagutzeko hainbat ekintzak egin zituzten. Gure zuzendariak agurtu zituen ere, denbora izan zuten hamaiketakoa hartzeko eta ondoren, lehen ekintzak egiten hasi ziren: konparatu arroparen kontsumoaren inguruan ditugun ohiturak eta emaitzekin aurkezpen bat egin zuten. Bigarren ariketa euren arropa begiratzea eta mapa batean jartzea nondik datozen gauzak izan zen.

Bazkaldu ondoren tailer bat egin zuten estutxeak egiteko gauza birziklatuekin eta honekin amaitutakoan hiritik buelta bat eman zuten eta horretan gure ikasleek aurkeztu zizkieten toki esanguratsuenak.

All participants in this Erasmus mobility, students and teachers, started with the activities of our programme. To begin with, they received the welcome of a group of students and later they did some activities in order to know each other. Our headmaster welcomed them too and later they joined to have breakfat and then, they started with the first activities of the project: they had to compare the results of the answers collected about clothes consumption habits and later they worked on a map in which they should indicate the origin of the clothes they wer wearing and they way made by these product to reach to our countries.

After lunch they took part in a workshop in which they decorated an old pencil case and, once they finished with this, they went to have a tour in the city guided by our students.

Hirugarren eguna

Third day

Ekintzak institututik kanpo egin zituzten.. Goizean Getariara abiatu ziren, herri eder hau ezagutzeko eta Balenciaga museora non bilduma eta erakusketak ikusteaz gain diseinuko tailer batean parte hartu zuten. Hemen bukatu ondoren, paseotxo bat eman zuten Zarautzeraino eta handik Donostiara itzuli ziren.

Activities took place our of the institute. In the morning, they went to Getaria to know this beautiful village and to visit Balenciaga museum wher in addition to see the collection and exhibitions, they took part in a workshop on fashion design. Once they finished here, they walked to Zarauz and from there they returned to San Sebastian.

Laugarren eguna

Fourth day

Eguna hasi zen Ekonodoko bisitarekin ikusi ahal izateko nola egin daitezke arropak eta beste gauzak material biziklatuaz. Ondoren, paseo bat egin zuten Tabakaleraraino eta bertan bisita gidatu bat izan zuten zentro honek ematen dituen aukerak ikusi ahal izateko.

Arratsaldea libre izan zuten euren lagunekin ibiltzeko.

The day started with the visit to Ekonomo where they could see how clothes and other objects can be made from recycled materials. Then, they did a little walk to go to Tabakalera; here they had a guided tour in which they could see the opportunities offered by this centre.

They had a free afternoon in which they organized activities with their colleagues.

Bostgarren eguna

Fifth day 

Proiektu honetako azken ekintzak eta konklusioak atera zituzten eta prestatu zituzte gero udaletxean aurkezteko.

Eguerdi aldera Udaletxean Alkate Jaunak agurra egin zien eta egun hauetan ikasitakoaren berri eman ahal izan zuten.

Arratsaldea libre izan zuten elkarrekin azkeneko orduak pasatzeko.

Students prepared the last activities and their conclusions of the project in order to presnet them at the city Town Hall.

About midday the Major of the city gave them a little speach, praising the importance of these activities and students presented their conclusion.

In the afternoon students were free to spend their last hours together.

Visit at the Town Hall with our Major


What makes this Erasmus+ experience especial for you



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