On Eligibility

1. Are applications from awardees of the previous call accepted?

Yes, since the awards do not overlap. In addition, the Vision-Mission-Plan Statement from the 2016-2018 call may be considered qualitatively by the Unit Awards Committee when they are evaluating for this period. The granting of award, however, will still be based on the scores for the period.

2. I was on sabbatical/ study leave/ approved other leave for a portion of the evaluated period/ application period/ award period. Can I apply for the award?

Yes, the application will be accepted. The applicant, however, will be evaluated with the same criteria as the rest, without any adjustments.

3. I am a retiring faculty member on an extended appointment beyond retirement age. Am I still eligible?

Retiring faculty will cease to receive the One U.P. PC & FG Awards upon their retirement and will receive the prorated amount of the award in their last year of service. Retiring faculty who have been extended for full time service will continue to receive the One U.P. PC & FG Awards.

4. I have a non-UP professorial chair/ faculty grant that gives less than P10,000/month that may overlap with the One UP PC/FG Award. Can I still apply?

You may still apply. Your One UP award payments, however, will only start when the overlapping non-UP grant expires. One UP award payments during the period of overlap are forfeited. You may submit a request to waive this rule for meritorious reasons, addressed to the President, once the One UP awardees have been announced.