Minimum Scores


  1. As you are uploading and filling in information at the Academic Data Collection Portal, you will be asked to input a 'self score'. This will not be your final score but will only be your guide.

  2. The Unit Awards Committee will evaluate the application and will give their own score, the UAC Score. This will be the score considered by the System as final.

  3. UAC will endorse your application to the next approving officials as eligible or ineligible, however, your eligibility will depend on the score entirely.

  4. If an approving official does not agree with the decision, they may return the application to the UAC for reevaluation, provided a justification.

Minimum Scores Required for Award Eligibility

One UP PCFG Minimum Points Required

The system automatically computes this from the submitted application items. Each item renders a specific score and may have caps or minimums required.