UAC Chair Module

The Unit Awards Committee (UAC) Chair has special controls assigned in the evaluation module:

  • UAC Chairs can allow access to applicants for additional edits after the applications have been submitted. Additional edits refer to the submission of new or additional proofs or supporting documents only. The UAC Chair only has access to edit the 'committee-assigned score' and the 'remarks'.

  • UAC Chairs can recompute the system-selected work areas to a different combination. The system automatically selects the 2 work areas that combine into the highest total, however, the combination does not ensure eligibility due to sub-item score minimums.

  • UAC Chairs can endorse as eligible or ineligible. The succeeding line officials endorse the UAC decision or return the application to the UAC with an explanation or instruction.


The buttons are found inside each application, under the score summary.


Pressing Allow Access will open a new page where the UAC Chair can select the sections of the application that will be opened for editing.

Please make sure to check all of the items that need editing/ deletion/ addition and provide instructions for the applicant. Press the red 'Allow Access' button to finalize. Once finalized, the application will be available to the applicant again for the allowed sections. The status of the application will change from 'NEEDS UAC ENDORSEMENT' to 'RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT FOR RESUBMISSION'.

While the application is back in the applicant's tray, the 'Allow Access' button will become 'Revoke Access'. The UAC Chair can revoke access at an agreed upon deadline with the applicant.


The UAC Chair will be the one to endorse the application as eligible or ineligible after application review. This signals that the evaluation is done, however, the eligibility will still be based on the scores/ criteria. Should any line official disagree with the decision, they have to use the box to 'Return the application to the UAC' and provide justification.