Unit Head, Dean, and Chancellor Modules

Unit Head

The Unit Head will be the one to endorse the application as eligible or ineligible to the Dean. This signals that the evaluation is done at the Unit level, however, the eligibility will still be based on the scores/ criteria. Should any line official disagree with the decision, they have to use the box to 'Return the application to the UAC' and provide justification.

If the application is returned to the UAC for appropriate action, the UAC Chair may refer to the module here.


The Dean will be the one to endorse the application as eligible or ineligible to the Chancellor. This signals that the evaluation is done at the College level, however, the eligibility will still be based on the scores/criteria. Should any line official disagree with the decision, they have to use the box to 'Return the application to the UAC' and provide justification.

If the application is returned to the UAC for appropriate action, the UAC Chair may refer to the module here.


The Chancellor will be the one to finally endorse the application as eligible or ineligible to the System Awards Committee. This signals that the evaluation is done at the CU level, however, the eligibility will still be based on the scores/criteria. Should any line official disagree with the decision, they have to use the box to 'Return the application to the UAC' and provide justification.

If the application is returned to the UAC for appropriate action, the UAC Chair may refer to the module here.