For Faculty

This webinar series is UPOU’s first response to provide assistance to the UP community and to the entire academic community of the country who are shifting to the online mode of instruction to cope with and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

A blog post which collates UPOU open educational resources for shifting to online learning.

A blog post highlighting some tips for educators on how to migrate residential class to online learning.


This video produced by the UPOU Multimedia Center shows how a teacher will organize the content of the classroom on the Facebook page, including organizing the course units, adding the documents or media files as additional learning resources, hold a discussion forum, and give a quiz.

This video produced by the UPOU Multimedia Center gives a step by step guide on how to use Zoom in recording an audio and/or a video learning material.

This video produced by the UPOU Multimedia Center is the second part of a series of video tutorials on different techniques on how one can improve the quality of the DIY videos that he/she shall produce for your classes.

This video tutorial produced by the UPOU Multimedia Center discusses camera phone settings, stabilization, and proper framing when recording using a smartphone.

This video produced by the UPOU Multimedia Center talks about audio management tips when recording your DIY videos for your classes using your smartphone.

This video produced by the UPOU Multimedia Center talks about voice recording tips for your DIY videos for your classes using your smartphone.


Seven free and open online courses were offered to the public, especially those affiliated with education institutions, to have more in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in online teaching and learning.

This is a 4-week course with the goal of enabling the teachers to use the OERs for the Technology for Teaching and Learning course in a blended mode of teaching.

The Executive Course on Remote Teaching and Learning was designed for University/School Administrators and those who are responsible to do the planning and preparations as the education sector prepares the shift to remote teaching and learning for the next school year.

The online workshop component of the UPOU-DICT MC1 Webinar Session on Course Module Development for Remote Instruction.


“Edu-Hack: Navigating through a Turbulent Educational Landscape,” is UP Open University’s effort to discuss how Philippine universities are responding and adapting to disruptions in higher education brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This session targeted teachers and faculty members handling laboratory classes but was also made available to an unlimited number of participants.

The episode targeted students who will be enrolling this academic year, with gloom of the pandemic on their shoulders.

In collaboration with the Department of Information and Communication Technology Mindanao Cluster 1, this episode targeted educators and administrators from higher education institutions and the Department of Education, as well as students and parents.


This three-part webinar series tackled public administration and governance education during the time of the new normal.

A webinar session organized by UP Open University in partnership with PLDT and Department of Education.

EDUKussion aims to present and discuss education-related issues, challenges, and opportunities.

For Students

Asst. Prof. Finaflor Tanayan, a faculty of UPOU, shared tips to maintain psychosocial health among students during the quarantine. She is also offering assistance, together with other platforms, to those who are in need of psychosocial support.

UPOU Office of Student Affairs launched the Offering Sincere Advocacy (O.S.A.) Helpdesk which provides assistance for students amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

UPOU Platforms

The online repository of university-produced open education resources which are accessible and free of use. It includes the UPOU commons, UPOU Publications, and UP OnRecord (podcasts).

The official learning platform for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offered by the UP Open University. The MOOCs include free online courses for university administrators, teachers, and technical staff who will transition to remote/online teaching.

A repository of resources for developing modules for online courses and for teaching and learning in the open and distance learning (ODEL).

UPOU Youtube Account contains a number of video lectures on various subject matters.

For more information on the initiatives/activities organized by UPOU you may visit their website at